Hermione's Questions

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Malfoy fell into a distressed sleep again. It was almost two weeks since school started. 

DRACO!!! Draco shuddered, his father was angry. About what, he could only guess.
"Yes, Father," Draco asked, quietly, hands clasped behind his back, standing tall and straight. 
"I found this in your room." Lucius held up the muggle book. Draco's eyes widened. How did he find that? "Might you explain to me what a muggle book is doing in your room?" That was it, Draco was done for. He tensed as his father took a step forward. "What have you to say for yourself. Is this yours?" Draco shuddered.
"Yes, it is Father."
"I thought you realized how much I despise muggle contraptions. Apparently not." Lucius whispered two words, and before Draco knew what was happening a green/silver fire shot from his father's wand, wrapping itself around Draco's arms and legs. Draco fell to the floor screaming in pain.

Draco shot up from bed with a short, but sharp, scream. He patted himself down, before realizing it was another memory. White hot anger surged through him. He punched the wall next to the door. Luckily it was part of the wall containing a beam, because otherwise his hand would have gone clean through. He screamed in anger. It was a complete different scream as when he woke up. It was filled with hate, whereas before it was filled with pain. He slid down besides the door, he was still exhausted. Sleep longed for his allowance to take him over, but not, that would not happen. Not until nightfall. He couldn't deal with any more horrid memories again.
There came a knock at Draco's door. Draco groaned mentally, and stood up, answering the door to Hermione.
"What do you want?" Draco asked, conviction of his trying to sound rude completely failed, because of his plain, pure, exhaustion.
"Uh, I was worried. I heard a scream and then another scream and a loud banging sound."
"I-I am fine, don't worry about me, Okay?"
"What was it than?"
"Do you just have to but your nose into everything?"
"Say what you want. I will stay here until you answer my question of what it was all about."
"AAAHHH!" Draco slammed the door. He sat down in the middle of the room, when he began hearing a really annoying humming. "UUHH!!!" Draco stood up and jerked open the door.
"What is that infernal noise?" Draco demanded. He was loosing his patience. 
"It is called a song." Hermione said, crossing her arms.
"Well, stop it." Draco said, glaring at her.
"Nope, not until you tell me what happened." Draco growled. 
"FINE! I had a...nightmare, happy now?"
"Nightmare? That was no nightmare."
"What else could it be than?" Draco said through clenched teeth. She was getting too close to the truth.
"Nightmares don't get someone screaming out in pain then punching the wall in anger. That would be a night terror. There is a difference." Draco narrowed his eyes. She was way too smart for her own good.
"Really now, how do you know I punched a wall?"
"Your knuckles are red." Draco looked down and cursed. 
"If you are so knowledgible what is the difference between the two?" He ground angrily.
"One have dreams, which are nightmares, and as I am sure you know, the other focuses on memories. Plus the sudden panic attack on the first day. Come on Malfoy." Draco was trying to focus. He had never been so careless. This was not good.
"Wait a moment, how did you hear me in the first place?" Draco asked, curiousity shining in his eyes. 
"What do you mean? It's not like you put a silencing charm around your room every night is it?" Draco did not answer. "You've got to be kidding me! You have these terrors regularly!"
"It is what happens when you have a father like mine. Now, I have to leave." Draco shoved past her and left quickly. Hermione was almost finished with the puzzle. 
Malfoy's father must have been a constant tormentor for Malfoy. Something really bad must have happened when Voldermort recruited him to cause the panic attacks. His memories must be so traumatic that he has terrors at night. Man, I never thought I'd feel sympathy for Malfoy!

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