The First Night

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"AAHHH!" Hermione burst into the train compartment where Ron, Harry, and Ginny were sitting. 
"Hermione, what's got you so angry?" Ginny asked.
"Guess who's HeadBoy?" 
"I don't know, who?" Harry asked.
"MALFOY!" Hermione yelled. "And, not only that, I have to share a fricking common room with the ferret!" She was seething.
"Don't worry Hermione." Harry consoled her. "Just ignore him."
"Yeah, when has that ever worked?"
"Just come get us if he annoys you. We'll hex him into obliviation!" Ginny offered. Everyone laughed.

Draco Malfoy, the one everyone hated. Not that he cared. He never had had any true friends, well, besides Blaise. Still, Draco found it difficult to talk to Blaise. He and Blaise had been forced into the who Death Eater thing, but still, Blaise did not know the just of everything. And he Never Will! Draco thought firmly. If he knew anything that happened at home, Father might find out and the punishment would... Draco leaned against the wall. He was covered mostly by the shadows. No one had actually seen him since he had come back except McGonagall. He hoped that he wouldn't have to deal with Hermione much. Knowing her, she would figure out his mask of happiness was a fake soon enough. Then she would list off an endless string of questions. That would not do. No, he would just have to avoid her as much as possible. That was the best.

Suddenly someone appeared at his side. Draco jumped as a familiar voice reached his ears.
"Hello, Malfoy, I am glad to see you are well." Draco quickly covered his shock and his rapid breathing.
"Hello, Professor Snape. I thought..."
"I am lucky, let's just say that." 
"Oh, okay," 
"Lucius still unaccounted for, I presume?" Draco nodded stiffly. He did not wish to speak of this. 
"McGonagall would like to see you, the feast is over, as I am sure you know."
"Yes, Professor, I do," Draco said quietly. 
"Good, I will bring you to her." 
"Thank you, Professor." Draco whispered, as he followed Professor Snape through the corridors to a side door that led out of the Great Hall, where both McGonagall and Hermione were standing.
"Here I take my leave." Snape said in his famous drawling voice. 
"Thank you Severus." 
"You are welcome, Minerva." Snape said curtly, before leaving. McGonagall turned to them. 
"Follow me," She said, and Hermione and Draco obeyed. They were up on the second floor in no time. There was a picture of Dumbledore.
"Hello, Minerva, I see you have heeded my advice for the new School Heads." Dumbledore said, eyes twinkling.
"Yes, I did. Now, you two, the Password is Equality. No one besides yourselves are permitted in any part of the rooms. Clear?"
"Yes," Hermione said, while Draco just nodded. 
"Good, Equality." Minerva said to Dumbledore. 
"Ah, yes, a good thing, is it not?" 
"Yes, It is." Dumbledore swung open to admit them. They all climbed through the hole and walked into a room filled with red and green.
"Malfoy, your room is the the left, Granger to the right. No fighting, I assume you can behave?"
"Yes, Professor." Hermione and Draco said automatically. 
"Good, you have a house elf to help you if you need help, who will also tend to the room. Only call if you really need help. His name is Kree. I think you all need sleep now, so I will let be."
McGonagall left. Hermione looked around, Draco just walked towards his room.
"Wait!" Hermione said. Draco looked back at her. 
"Yes?" He asked. 
"Uh...never mind, it doesn't matter."
"Okay, well, I am going to sleep. I shall see you in the morning. Goodnight Granger." Draco turned and left. Hermione was confused. Not one insult, no jab, no teasing, nothing. It was strange.

Draco settled in his bed. He was not ready for sleep yet, but he was undoubtbly tired. He could not keep himself from sleeping too much longer. Unwillingly, he allowed himself to drop into sleep.

Hermione woke up at around three. She thought she heard a scream. She shrugged it off after ten minutes of hearing nothing, figuring that she was just hearing things.

"DRACO!" Lucius screamed his name. 
"Lucius, he is just thirteen!" 
"He is the future heir of the Malfoy name! His failure in school is not acceptable!"
"Lucius, please, he is second in everything except potions, where he is the best."
"It is not good enough, Narcissa!" Draco came down the stairs. 
"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" Lucius waved the report card in the air. Draco's eyes widened slightly, knowing what this was about. "SECOND TO A MUGGLE BORN GIRL?"
"Father, She is a total teacher's pet. Basically all the teachers love her!" Lucius's eyes flashed.
"Excuses are not tolerated." Draco slid down the wall, mentally and physically preparing himself just as the the first one came.

Draco woke up in a cold sweat. He had had at least three nightmares during that night, and he finally gave up sleeping more. It was seven, so he decided to just get ready for school. He took a very quick shower, after locking both doors, and brushed his hair while wet, dried it quickly, and brushed it again, before getting into his slytherin school uniform. He shook himself from the lingering fear from his nightmares. 
"Damn him, not only does he haunt my past, he just has to haunt my dreams now too!" Draco stomped his foot in frustration. Before, calming himself and unlocking and opening the door to his bedroom. He walked down the stairs to the common room level. He was still exhausted. He had faint dark circles under his eyes. He had noticed when he looked at himself in the mirror of the bathroom. He was unsure if he could do this. Life was now a terror. His father was out there somewhere. What if he decided to come to Hogwarts. No, surly that can't happen right? McGonagall would never allow such a thing. Draco knew better than to delude himself. His father would find a way to get him. It could happen when he went to Hogsmede, or something. He did not have to break into Hogwarts to do it. 
"Malfoy? Are you awake?" Hermione placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, causing an instinctive reaction. Draco jumped up and whirled around to face Hermione, who, when he noticed who it was, rapidly masked his fear into nothingness. 
"Yes, I was..." Draco paused. "Thinking about something."
"Oh, okay."
"I have to go." Draco said suddenly, rushing out the door, his book back swinging against his side. 
"Mr. Malfoy, Are you alright?" Draco stopped, and turned to face the picture Dumbledore. 
"Fine, I just...I have a question." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. 
"What might that be?"
"Why me? There are far more qualified students for Head Boy. Like Potter, why me?" Dumbledore smiled warmly. 
"No offense, Mr. Malfoy, but I know a lot more about you than you think." Draco tensed. 
"Wha...What do you mean?" Draco asked. Dumbledore smiled.
"I have been watching you closely, Mr. Malfoy. You particularly. You think you are good at hiding your emotions, but you always let something slip through your facade of carelessness." Draco gazed at Dumbledore astounded. 
"What do you...I am sorry, I should not have asked."
"Mr. Malfoy," Draco turned back. "Might I suggest something?"
"I don't see why not."
"Keeping all of your emotions and painful memories bottled up for so long is unhealthy. I suggest you talk to someone about it all."
"I can't,"
"There is a very large difference between 'cannot', and 'will not'. Right now, you won't, which is quite understandable. You are still scared of..."
"Don't," Draco whispered.
"You are still scared. You must let go. You are an adult."
"That won't stop him. Nothing stops him."
"Back to your question, I think that this will be good for you. A chance of redemption."
"I don't know if I can do this." Dumbledore smiled.
"You are stronger and more brave than most Gryffindors that have ever been in their house, and the strongest seventeen year old I know."
"Thank you, Sir," 
"No problem Mr. Malfoy." Draco hesitated, before hearing Hermione coming out, and he bolted.

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