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SUNDAY, JUNE 02, 2013

12:05 A.M.

Nathan had been peacefully sleeping in his bed until suddenly he heard a light knocking on the window. Thinking it was just some trees hitting the window from wind, Nathan kept sleeping.

“Let me in,” He then heard. Nathan furrowed his eyebrows and opened his eyes. He turned around and saw a woman stood on the balcony. She kept knocking, “Let me in, please,” she said. Nathan slowly got up from the bed and stared at the figure before him. “Please…”

But something told Nathan not to. Something told him that it would be dangerous. The woman grew impatient and started knocking harder on the window. “Let me in!” She shouted.

“N-No,” Nathan stuttered. He shook his head. “I can’t.”

“Please,” She knocked harder.

“No!” Nathan shouted. As much as he wanted to let her in, he knew he couldn’t.

The woman was now angry. She kept knocking and shouting, “LET ME IN!”

“Leave me alone!” He yelled at her, “Go away!”

“LET ME IN!” The glass from the window eventually broke and a powerful gust of wind filled the room making Nathan fly across the room and hit the wall. He looked up and saw the figure walking toward him. She raised her arm and…

“STOP!” Nathan yelled as he quickly sat up in his bed. He looked at the time. It was almost twelve thirty.

He then snapped his head over to the window but saw nothing there. The glass wasn’t broken, it was perfectly fine. His heart was racing and his whole body was shaking. Nathan then ran his shaky hand through his hair. He calmed his breathing and slowly got up from the bed. Now unable to go back to sleep, he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea to calm his nerves so that he could sleep again. Hopefully.


9:00 A.M.

“Rise and shine, baby Na-.. Whoa, you look like heeeellll!” Tom said as he walked into the house. Tom had a spare key just in case.

Nathan groaned and glared at him. “Thanks.”

“Mate, what the hell happened? Did you sleep at all?” Tom said, sitting at the table across from Nathan. The tea really didn’t help him, so he stayed up all night long, sitting at the table in the kitchen doing absolutely nothing. Nathan shook his head and rubbed his eyes.  

“I couldn’t sleep,” He said.


Nathan didn’t want to tell Tom about his nightmare. He actually didn’t want to talk about it at all, so he lied. “Too many thoughts kept piling up in my mind.”

“Ah, I hate when that happens! But usually a cup of tea would help you…” Tom trailed off, looking at the empty cup next to Nathan.

“Well, this time it didn’t,” He sighed.

Tom frowned. “Well, come on,” He stood up. “We need to go grocery shopping today. And maybe we can invite the other boys over too, yeah?”

Nathan simply nodded his head and got up. He stretched and yawned and took his empty cup to put it in the sink. “Wait,” He said.


“I need to shower…”

“Screw that! Nobody’s gonna smell ya! Now come on, this store can get really packed if we don’t get there on time.” Tom sighed. He dragged a struggling Nathan outside and to his car.

“Tom, I feel disgusting!” Nathan complained.

“You can shower when we get back! I just don’t want to be there for hours waiting in line! Now get in the car,” Tom said. He opened the door and practically pushed Nathan in. Nathan huffed and rolled his eyes. Tom smiled at him and closed the door. He walked around to the other side and got in, and soon they were on their way to the store.

The ride was silent. Nathan stared out the window and watched everything go by as they moved. He sighed lightly.

“Right, we’re here!” Tom said as the car came to a stop. Nathan was so concentrated on the outside world that he didn’t even feel the car stop or hear Tom. “Nath?” Tom nudged him. Nathan came out of his trance.

“Huh?” He looked at Tom.

“We’re here…”

“Oh, right.” Nathan said. He opened the door and got out, following Tom into the big supermarket.

As they got inside, Tom walked straight over to the aisle which held different brands of beer. Nathan rolled his eyes and just stayed silent as Tom looked at each case.

“Don’t you think we should get a shopping cart? I mean, I’m sure I need a lot more than beer, Tom.” Nathan said.

“You’re right… Can you get one?” Tom asked. Nathan sighed and walked slowly over to the front of the store. He grabbed a shopping cart and met Tom back in the beer aisle.

Tom put a few packs of beer in the cart. “Whoa, why are you getting so much?” Nathan asked.

“I couldn’t decide which one was best so I put in all of them!”

“How much money do you think I have, Tom?”

“Oh, calm down, I’m paying for it all! Now let’s look for some food and stuff,” Tom said. He grabbed the cart from Nathan and started pushing it down the aisle while Nathan followed in silence.


“That’ll be one twenty-seven-ninety.” The cashier told Tom. Nathan was appalled at the price.

“You’re not paying for all of that,” He said, pointing to the groceries.

“Sure I am, I’ve got my card with me!” Tom smiled.

“No,” Nathan argued.

“Yes,” Tom said, taking out his wallet.




“Nathan, just shut up and let me pay, will ya?” Tom sighed. He took his card out and swiped it, then put in his signature. Nathan frowned.

“I could have payed half,” Nathan said as they walked out of the store and to the car.

“Well, too bad, it’s already done.”

Nathan smiled weakly, “Thanks.”

Tom smiled in response. “Now help me get these bags in the car! I’m sure Max, Siva and Jay would love to see the place at some point!”

Nathan laughed and helped Tom. Once they were finished, they both got into the car and headed home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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