Sweet Sweet revenge

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Clair's POV
It was the next day and class was ending, and there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Nevaeh, trying not to be disappointed I ask her what's up. She says, "You thought I was him didn't you!" What no I didn't. "Yes you did, I saw the look on your face......You have a crush on him don't you."I have got to be more convincing. No I don't like him, thank you very much. "Ok sure don't tell me", as she turns on her heal to leave the room for her next class. Gathering my stuff yet again after that distraction, I turn to leave and run right into Alex. "Sorry", I say and turn to leave knowing he doesn't want I talk to me and probably hates me even more than he already did. But he grabs my wrist and asks me, "What is your name" why in gods name would I tell you. "Because you know mine" he says a little irritated. I yank my hand away and walk away. Ha how does it feel to be rejected. Sweet Sweet revenge!

Alex POV
I can not believe she just yanked her hand away from me. She was giving me signs that she wanted to get to know me better, I think. Ugh I should have just stuck to what I originally came here to do, and that was to be invisible. We are having this none verbal argument and to be honest it is making me tired. So, I gather my things and head off to my next class hoping that today will turn around.
Alex POV
The school day is over and it was just as boring as I had planed but I'm making it I guess. I hate going through the motions. It feels like I am on an endless spiral to nothing and I have got to change this....... I change my Mind I am still going to go for her she will eventually give in.😝

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