Chapter Six

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A few days later, Maya decided to stay back after defense class. "I just need to ask Lupin something." she told Damien as everyone was packing their bags to leave.

"Save you a place at dinner?" he asked. Maya nodded. Once the classroom had emptied out, she watched Professor Lupin start to make his way into his office.

"Professor, may I have a word?" Maya said, her voice echoing across the now empty room. Professor Lupin looked at her with a small smile. "Ms Caufield, what can I do for you?" he asked, gesturing to the open door of his office. Maya walked in, with Professor Lupin right behind her.

"I was impressed by Slytherins' performance today. No one really participated on the first day, and it had me worried."

"Oh, it had nothing to do with you." Maya replied absent-mindedly. "No Slytherin worth their salt would be stupid enough to reveal their greatest fear to a room full of people, especially Gryffindors."

"Yes, I seem to remember there being a certain rivalry between the two houses back in my school days too." Lupin said with a slight grimace.

"Which house were you in?"

"Gryffindor. But I don't want to bore you with the details. Tell me, how can I help you?"

Certainly too considerate be a Gryffindor, Maya thought, feeling slightly impressed. "I was wondering if you could tell me about the Patronus charm." she said, getting straight to the point. "I've been reading about Dementors, and the Patronus charm seems to be the only way to drive them off. And the spell itself seems pretty interesting too. The only trouble is that the books I've been referring to aren't clear enough for me to actually understand how to cast the spell."

Professor Lupin looked at her surprised. "Ms Caufield, the Patronus charm is a very complex piece of magic. There are not a lot of seventh years in this school that could master this spell." he told her.

"I'd like to try nonetheless."

"Very well." he said with a sigh, as he retrieved a spare piece of parchment from his desk and began jotting down the names of some books. "These should help. If you have any difficulties, feel free to come to me."

Maya took the parchment, and gave him a small nod. "Thank you for your help, sir." she said formally, as she turned around on her heel and began walking towards the door.

"Ms Caufield?" Remus Lupin called out, just as she was about to disappear from view. Maya turned to face him, a questioning look on her face.

"I hope you won't misunderstand me when I say that not a lot of Slytherins can successfully cast a corporeal Patronus, even the more experienced witches and wizards. Personally I've only known a handful that could." he said, looking at her with doubt.

Maya's eyes hardened at that.

"I think you'll find that I'm always the exception, Professor." she said icily. No one tells Maya Caufield that she cannot do something.

"I'm just trying to make sure that you don't get your hopes up." he explained, when he noticed the change in her behavior.

"Thank you for your concern." she said coolly, before turning around to walk away.

Maya walked out of the defense classroom, more determined than ever to master the charm by the end of the semester. This was no longer just about protection from the Dementors. It was now about proving to the only competent defense teacher she had ever had that she was nothing like the rest of her house. That alone was reason enough to try harder. She made a mental note to go to the library and check out all the books recommended to her.

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