Chapter Two

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Maya found Damien on the other side of the platform, standing next to Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom. She made her way towards them. Except for Hermione, they were the only friends she had at Hogwarts.

As she walked towards the boys, Damien caught sight of her and grinned. "Hello, gorgeous!" he said when she reached them, placing a small kiss on her cheek. The rest of the boys said their hellos.

"And you brought the TARDIS!" Damien exclaimed happily when he saw her trunk. Maya sighed.

"Will you stop calling my trunk the TARDIS?" she said, trying to look angry, but all she could do was suppress a smile. She really had missed him. Almost as if he heard her thoughts, Damien's grin widened.

"But it's bigger on the inside!" he exclaimed, throwing an arm around her. "It's Trunk And Relative Dimension In Slytherin!" Dean stifled a laugh at that, and Maya simply shook her head.

It was true, her trunk was bigger on the inside. It was by far one of the most impressive magical objects she had come across- not to mention incredibly handy. The polished mahogany trunk had drawers on either side that were as deep as the trunk itself. And if that wasn't enough, the lid of it's main compartment had five locks on it, each of which revealed a different space inside.

Maya's favorite part though was the lower half of her trunk. The bottom handle when pulled, revealed a small series of steps which led to a room the size of her study back home.

Maya had a bed in there, along with a hand cranked gramophone- which she had discovered last year was the only music system that worked in the castle, and a couple of bookshelves. This room was where she slept, read, and basically spent most of her time- she was literally the girl who lived out of her suitcase. And she loved every moment of it.

It was the kind of sweet luxury anyone could have- if they didn't mind paying the price of a small flat in London.

Money made the world go round, her father had always told her. Whether it was the Muggle world, or the magical one was irrelevant.

When Maya tuned back into the boy's conversation, he was still talking about her trunk. "You are such a dork." she said to Damien with a roll of her eyes.

"Said the nerd to the Quidditch player." Damien said with a scoff.

"Nerd?" Maya asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

"You spend most of your time in the library!" Damien exclaimed. "I, on the other hand am on the Slytherin Quidditch team." he said smugly.

"From everything that I've learnt about Quidditch so far, it doesn't matter if you're on the team unless you're the seeker. And you my friend, are a chaser." Maya said with slightly narrowed eyes. She didn't really care for being called a nerd.

"I could be the seeker this year." Damien argued. "I'd be an improvement over Malfoy, that's for sure."

Maya scoffed.

"Let's face it, I'd be an improvement over Malfoy, and I don't even play!" she said, and the boys laughed.

"Did you know that Potter blew up his aunt over the summer?" Damien casually asked her, as they made their way towards the train. Maya's eyebrows shot up. "No, I didn't." she said.

How could Hermione not tell her something like that?

"Seamus was telling us about it when you came."

"Aye. Mam's friend works with Fudge. Said that Potter blew up his aunt like a balloon and then ran away from home. Fudge met him at the Leaky Cauldron, told him to stay put while they fixed everything, then gave him his school textbooks." Seamus explained.

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