im really sorry

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Hey guys.. I know I haven't been very well emotionally lately... I'm sorry. I'm not doing well. I'm tired and lonely. I'm sick of living

I'm over the pain

I'm over the fear

I'm over the hate

I'm over the tears

I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected. I honestly try to be as positive as possible but right now I really can't.

I'm over being lied to

I'm over being laughed at

I'm over being used

I'm over being worthless

In sick of the bullying

I'm sick of the shit

Seriously. tell people how you feel. don't expect them to just know.

I'm sick of crying

I'm sick of lying and saying I'm okay

I'm sick of you trying to help

You all are so important to me. you are there when i need you. You guys can make me smile. you guys can almost make me feel whole again.

I'm over school it's making everything worse. Teachers say ' bullying wont be tolerated' where the fuck are you guys while I'm being bullied then? where the fuck are the teachers when I'm told to kill myself?! they are full of shit

They don't care what happens to you

They don't care if you cut

They don't care if you break down

They only care when you kill yourself

Everyone cares

They blame themselves

They make the whole situation about themselves.

They cry about how THEY hurt you or how THEY could've helped

no. no. no.

What people don't realise is that after you say something to someone, you can never unsay it

You can apologise over and over but it never takes those words away.

Those words will be with that person forever.

Be careful what you say

- Bethacorn

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