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I exact same word played over and over again in my head as I ran.

This can't be happening. Everything I've been living is a lie? Why....why?

"Uzuri STOP!!"

My paws skid in the dirt as I came to an abrupt halt, and whipped around to see Kion, his breathing heavy as he caught up to me.

"Wow," He purred as he gasped for air. "You really know how to where me out."

Normally I would be amused by his jokes, but right now I was to angry to find it funny, and found myself snapping.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke!?" I snarled, which must have caught him off guard, because he jumped back. "Why did you lie to me!?"

His smile faltered. "Zuzu, I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, I really did."

"Then why didn't you?" I demanded.

"Dad thought it was to late to tell you after your last birthday," Kion said "like you weren't young enough to just sit down and talk to."

"So you expected me to live my whole life in a lie!?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought this would all at least make since.

"Zuzu..." Kion took a step forward.

"Don't call me that!" I snapped, turning away from him and planting myself on the ground. "Why take me in if you didn't want to live with the responsibilities?"

"Well I wouldn't say we had a choice!" Kion let out a small laugh. "Honestly,  Mom just found you as a newborn at the edge of Pride Rock. It seemed you had been left there by mistake, so you coming into our family was pretty much an accident."

I felt claws stab my heart. An accident? That's all I was? An accident? Is that why they never bothered to tell me? Because I was just some mistake left on their doorstep?

"Uzuri?" Kion said my name, his voice filled with confusion. "Uzuri why won't you talk to me?" I felt his paw on my shoulder. "I'm your brother."

That was when I clawed my brother in the face for the first time. I didn't expect myself to do it, and clearly he didn't either. He quickly leaped away, placing a paw on his cheek where small drops of blood trickled through.

"DON'T YOU EVER CALL YOURSELF THAT EVER AGAIN!!" I roared, causing him to flinch. "You are not, and never will be my brother! You can rot in the Dim World for all I care!" I bared my teeth, letting out a low growl. "But what do the words of an accident matter!?"

He must have caught on, because his eyes went wide "Uzuri, I--!"

"Save it Kion," I sighed "Just save it." I pushed past him and fled. I couldn't anymore. My whole life had changed in less than hour, and it wasn't exactly my cup of tea.


Just to let all know I'm a crappy writer, so yeah x3

Adventures of the Pridelands: UzuriWhere stories live. Discover now