Out Janja!

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Uzuri's Pov
I am the great Uzuri! Most graceful of the Lion Guard and everyone's hero!
At least, that's what I tell myself. Ever since I joined the guard, animals have looked at me differently. Like they respected me.

Of course being a princess I was already respected, but now it's a different kind of respect. Not because who I was born to, but my role in the circle of life. And that's awesome.


I was snapped out my thoughts when Kion called out my name. I skidded to a stop, realizing that everyone, except Fuli of course, was far off behind me.

"Sorry!" I mewed, embarrassed. I just made a complete fool of myself. Way to go Uzuri.

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Kion said, stopping in front of her. "As a new member of the Lion Guard, you need to be more serious."

"I know that!" I shot back in my defense "I just wanted to get to work you know? Wema wangu Kion!"

Kion must of thought that was amusing, because he rolled his eyes and purred.

"Hey! Don't roll your eyes at me mister!" I snarled, getting in his face "I may be small, but I will---!"

"Did you hear that?" I was caught off by Ono, who was looking every which way, head whipping like a switch.
Then I heard it to. High pitched laughter. That could mean one thing

"Hyenas!" we exclaimed

"Lion Guard, let's move!" Kion ordered, heading towards the laughter, the rest of us close behind.

{Time skip because author is lazy~}

"We got 'em now boys!" Janja cackled, he Chungu and Cheezi surrounding a young zebra

"Not so fast Janja!" I snarled, leaping onto him out of nowhere, distracting the hyenas long enough for the zebra to get away.

"If it isn't the little brat," Janja snarled, throwing me off and standing, teeth bared.

"You better get outta here while ya got the chance!" I warned, glaring at him.

"And who's gonna make us?" Jaja asked with a smirk

"We are!" Kion growled, stepping out of the bushes with the rest of the guard. I smiled in satisfaction when the hyenas backed away.

"So," I said, giggling in amusement. "You still wanna stay?"

"Uh, on second thought, we were just leavin'. Let's go boys!" Janja turned tail and sprinted off, Chungu and Cheezi following.

We all laughed and cheered at another successful day. I notice Kion was staring at me, a proud smile on his face.

That made me feel ten times better.

Adventures of the Pridelands: UzuriWhere stories live. Discover now