Chapter 1

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"Watch where your going Mud-Granger!" Draco snapped, as he bumped into Hermione as students clambered into the Great Hall. Hermione merely rolled her eyes at the Slytherin, and stormed over to the Gryffindor table, seating herself between Ginny and Neville and facing towards the Professors, trying to ignore Ron's glare.

The pair had had a short relationship before returning for their last year, and while to Ron it seemed perfect, Hermione felt awkward and distant. He was too good a friend to lose, but her years pining after him turned out to be a schoolgirl crush, and their spur of the moment kiss in the Chamber of Secrets was just that. A spur of the moment, we may not live to see tomorrow so why the hell not, kiss. So when Hermione confronted her now ex boyfriend about her feelings, he raged and screamed, storming out of his bedroom, before cornering her before they boarded the Hogwarts Express, asking her to reconsider. Since then he had been in an awful mood.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall called to the students before her, snapping Hermione to attention. "Professor Flitwick, will now begin the sorting." As she said this, a tiny, white haired man brought forth the sorting hat, and pulled a long list from his robe pocket.

"Abbott, Elise"


"Does Hannah have a sister?" Ginny asked.

"Elise is her cousin, she told me over the Summer." Neville whispered back, clapping loudly as Dena Boyle, joined Gryffindors table.

The sorting was over fairly quickly, and soon they were all filling up on their favourite meals and deserts. Once the food was gone from the table, everyone was getting a little drowsy, while Professor McGonagall when over the usual notices.

"Now lastly, I need the 6th and 7th years to stay behind. 5th year prefects, please show the first years to your common rooms! Good night!" All but the older students, slowly cleared from the Hall, and when the last, tiny first year, who had tripped on the hem of her robes, and blushed a furious scarlet, had left the hall, the remaining pupils turned their attention back to their Headmistress.

"I've asked you all to stay behind, as the Ministry has news, that was thought better to be told to you all directly. The Ministry delayed sending these out till this evening, so you could get your letters whilst I explain. They have reinstated, an old Marriage Law," there were gasps and cries, from the litter of students infront of Minerva, and she gravely continued, "This is due to the depleted population of witches and wizards. The Ministry feels this is the best way to handle the situation. Your letters which will be here shortly, will have more information. Now, I must ask, in Houses that the girls come up, to try on the sorting hat. As it has seen all of your minds before, it can fit your ideal match. I have to say, they might not be perfect matches. The conditions set for students, was that you would all be paired with someone from your school, rather than anyone within the age limit. Ravenclaws if you could start please."

Shakily, girls lined up one by one, as the hat called out their matches.

(Because it's a lot of dialogue and I don't want to bore you, I'm just gonna tell you the main pairings)

Luna Lovegood and Blaise Zabini

Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom

Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott

Lavender Brown and Ronald Weasley

Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter

The group of students left was growing small, and Hermione glanced around at everyone left, as she walked up to the sorting hat. Her stomach churned as she waited, what seemed like hours, for the hat to finally shout out her match to the hall.

"Draco Malfoy!"

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