. : Angel Monologue : .

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Monologue Start

"My, my... Did Helliana give you such a hard time?"

"Here, let me heal your wounds."

"Earth looks... desolate.."

"Are you the only survivor of Helliana's invasion?"

"Ah, I see. Then, let's find them, the remaining survivors."

"Do you think you could show me the way there?"

"Of course, I'll help all of you. I'm an angel for a reason, y'know. My sole purpose to descend here was to save those who have remained."

"Let's begin our journey, shall we..?"

• • • • •

"Is it still far away?"

"You seem to be tired... Do you need any help?"

"Hm... Yes, I'm fine as well. In your current state, you should be more concerned about yourself."

"...these bandages? Oh, they're nothing to be focused on."

"Stop asking."


"...oh, my... I have raised my voice..."

"Please do pardon my improper mannerisms. These bandages are a very touchy subject for me."

"For now, let's focus on finding your comrades. They might be in dire need of help, too."

"Let's walk faster now, okay..?"

Monologue End

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