. : Demon Monologue : .

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Monologue Start

"I am Helliana Tritarus VI!"

"I command you to bow before me, you pathetic mortals!"

"This world you call "home" is now my territory!"

"You'll be held against your will, and forced to be my slaves for the rest of your miserable lives! Hahahaha~!"

"You mortals are nothing more than my playthings now!"

"Anyone who dares oppose my rule will end up into an unrecognizable mass of flesh once I'm done with you~!"

"I guess this is what you hopeless worms would call, "End of the world", huh?"

"End of the world indeed. I'll wipe out the human race, generation by generation, as you toil away under the pressures of demon oppression!"

"What else would you expect? A buffet for all, and a grand ball? Don't make me laugh."

"Lol. Emotions. It sickens me."

"Well, then~ Let the world be plunged into darkness and bathe in the blood of its inhabitants!"

Monologue End

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