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The day was spent on camp maintenance, keeping Reyna busy until lights out – she had spent lunch and dinner in the Praetor's office, trying to find something that would give her closure. It was like her brain was itching - she still had the feeling that something major should be happening, even though there was no evidence of anything out of the ordinary.
She had just flopped into bed, her mind still on what could be the meaning behind this brain itch. Deep in thougt Reyna's eye caught a flash of light coming from the window in Jason's villa. Scrambling for her own torch, Reyna watched keenly, translating Jason's various flashes and pauses.
Meet—me—at—the—gates—to—New—Rome. Need—to—talk. Emergency.
She started flashing back her reply (Now?) but she couldn't make out Jason's outline. Suddenly on edge – Jason had never asked to meet her after lights out in such an urgent tone of Morse Code (if there were such a thing). Not bothering to change out of her teddy bear pyjamas, Reyna slipped on some shoes and hurried to the New Rome settlement, careful to avoid the grumpy Terminus.
"Jason?" She hissed into the semi-darkness. Although she knew that she was perfectly safe inside of Camp Jupiter and New Rome's boundaries, Reyna was very aware of herself without a weapon. Slightly on edge, Reyna felt someone else who she knew must be Jason, but it didn't stop her from starting when he grabbed her shoulders and whispered, "Boo!" She shot him a glare before asking, "What did you want to meet so urgently for? What's wrong?"
"Follow me," He grabbed her hand and jogged into the city. Utterly bewildered, Reyna was even more confused when they reach the New Rome cinema. Picking up on her confusion, Jason's eyes glittered with excitement. "They're having a midnight madness, showing all of the Renaissance Disney films," His eyes flashed with child-like delight, and Reyna felt her own glitter. She was always being the perfect Roman, always together and mature; she had also not had the most stable childhood, and films with simple plots and likeable characters fed her escapism. Renaissance Disney also meant the showing of Disney's Hercules, which was something of a running joke between the two Praetors. When the two had first been appointed heads of Camp, it had been slightly awkward, as they hadn't formed a new routine and were sizing each other up almost. It was when Jason proposed that they watch a film, get to know each other and just chill that they watched the horrific 'adaptation' that their steeliness lifted and banter ensued. Their constant critiquing of the historical inaccuracies brought them closer and it became their favourite film and private joke.
Jason put his hand gently on the small of Reyna's back as they walked into the cinema together – a surge of electricity came over Reyna, and she was sure it had nothing to do with Jason's father. Being a perfect gentleman, Jason also bought some popcorn and drinks, despite Reyna's objections. But it felt kind of good to be looked after, instead of her having to do the looking after.
Subconsciously, the two were touching throughout the film, albeit just the side of their pinky fingers, but the electricity Reyna had felt when Jason had touched her back had not gone away. She giggled and sniffed throughout the film, thanks to her companion's comments, which wasn't very Roman of her, but she didn't care in that moment. For the duration of the film, it was like she could convince herself that she wasn't a Camp Praetor of New Rome, she wasn't a demi-god with an unstable past – she could believe that she was just a mortal 17 year old, out with a boy she liked, that maybe liked her back?

"Like a shooting star, I will go the distance! I will search the world, I will face its harms!" Jason was prancing and singing at the top of his lungs. Reyna couldn't stop herself from laughing. "I promise to find my welcome, waiting in Heav'n's arms,"
Laughing even harder, Reyna gasped, "Oh no no no, Jason! Treason against Disney!" She laughed again as Jason smirked, "Oh high and mighty Reyna, to what offence do you call treason?"
Letting out a full on giggle – most unlike Reyna – she rightened herself, clearing her throat before continuing, "You know fully well, Jason Grace! And I won't sing it for you, so don't think I will," Jason pouted and laughed, taking her hands in his and spinning her around, "Come on, Rey – just for me. At least remind me of the words," She sighed and smiled, clearing her throat again – "I don't care how far, I can go the distance; 'Til I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your arms," She didn't exactly sing, but the melodic tone to her voice made Jason smile. He gazed at her for a second and she felt a bit embarrassed and blushed when Jason lowered his voice to say, "I love it when you sing Rey," Not really knowing what to do with this compliment, the two looked a each other for a second before Reyna linked her hand with his and she felt the pleasant course of electricity run through her once more.
Walking back to their villas in comfortable near-silence, save for Jason's consistent humming of 'Go the distance', Reyna thought aloud when she whispered, "You make me feel safe."
Jason stopped humming and looked at her, a smile in his eyes. "You make me feel safe, too." The two regarded each other as if they were the only two people in the universe, despite being back on Camp grounds. Simultaneously, the two lent in and embraced passionately, Jason's hand cupped gently around her neck, Reyna's own hands snaking around Jason. The subtle electric current exploded inside of her when their lips touched, but she didn't care if it killed her – she felt alive. The two just seemed to meld together, and they were only kissing.
After what felt like an eternity, the two broke apart, and smiled. "I-er – it's an early start tomorrow so we better-"
"Yeah, we better go our separate ways," Jason smiled sheepishly, looking a little disappointed. Reyna felt a twinge of disappointment that their kiss couldn't have turned into something more. But she shook her head and smiled at Jason, saying, "Goodnight," before rushing to her villa, breathless and full os disbelieving that she had just snogged Jason Grace.

Jeyna: We Could've Had It All // ADVANCEMENTWhere stories live. Discover now