The Taxi Driver By: LovelyLivvi

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Spencer Hale graduated from high school with big dreams of becoming a journalist, but there was one problem: She couldn’t afford it.

Still pursuing her ideal career, she takes up the job of becoming a taxi driver until she can find something more suitable with much better pay. But when Aiden Cooper, lead guitarist from the sensational boy band, Careless, hops into the backseat of her ride, he requests for a journey across the country by road, with one catch. It has to be in fifteen days. Spencer is hesitant at first, but then he offers her something she desperately needs: Enough money for university.

Brief Interview With the Author: LovelyLivvi

What drove you to write a NaNoWriMo?

 I like challenges to help improve my writing.

What gave you the idea for the book?

I can't particularly remember what inspired me. I've had the idea for quite some time now but I never got around to writing it.  NaNoWriMo was a great opportunity to start though.

If you win the prize money of $2000 what will you do with it?

 I will (try) to save the money but a few hundred may disappear to buy books. I'm an addict. I don't expect to win though.

Randomness of life question(s):

If you could be anywhere on new years where would you be and who be with you?

 I'd love to be in New York with friends and family. I live in a rural area so the city lights never cease to mesmerize me. I think it would be an absolutely magical experience.

What is your favorite dessert? What is your least favorite dessert?

My favorite dessert would have to be my aunt's jelly slice. It's hard to explain what it is--but it's amazing. My least favorite is lemon meringue. I'm not a fan of citrus. 

Anything else you would like to say to your readers?

To my readers: I absolutely love you all!


Here you go! Another great book, I loved it from the beginning to the end, and I hope you do too!


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