The Odd Friendship Of Beast And Flower By:candescenceblackdust

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 Two different people.

An invalid man and an eccentric girl.

Their friendship is strange; not one of humor or similarities but one built off fate; unpredictable trust and uncertainty. But they don't need words to understand each other.; some how in their mutual silence the messages are sent. Words forever unnecessary.

The odd friendship of Beast and Flower is after all, a strange little thing. 

Brief Interview With the Author: candescenceblackdust

What drove you to write a NaNoWriMo?

I've been wanting to do a NaNoWriMo for ages ever since I've heard about it, but I never got the courage to before. Sort of a fear of not being able to finish, you know? But now, I've finally plucked up the courage to join. Cheers!

What gave you the idea for the book?

Well, I've always been intrigued by relationships between large age gaps (in my novel, the lead characters have a seven-year age gap) and psychological problems that some people have. I guess I just combined themes that I thought would be interesting together.

If you win the prize money of 2,000 dollars, what will you do with it?

Hmm, I'm not exactly sure I'll win the prize because I don't live in the U.S, but if I did get the prize, I'm thinking of funding my studies. And also more books. Definitely more books. :D

Randomness of life question(s)!

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Chocolate. Ice cream can't get any better with chocolate. :D

What do you like putting on your ice cream?

Sprinkles, marshmallows, and everything nice.

What do you do not like on ice cream?

Anything that isn't even vaguely related to the flavor of ice cream. It's weird having stuff on your ice cream that doesn't even suit the flavor of it. O.o

Anything else you want to say to your readers?

Well, thank you for taking the time to read my stories and especially The Odd Friendship! Hopefully, I can write more interesting things in the future. I hope you all will continue to read my works. Thanks again! :D


There is an interview with an amazingly nice author candescenceblackdust! So many authors on here are so nice, and I am very grateful. Remember if any of you guys have any people you see writing NaNoWriMo Books please tell me! This is a book for the readers not the author.

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