Round 1

251 7 6

Rules: No complaining about this prompt, no commenting rudely here, nor on other contestants entries.  No making deals with the judges (I, or @frenchfry_) or other contestants that would somehow influence your win.  When your story is published, dedicate it to me so I know, and/or send me the link in pm. If you don't do either of those, I will not know it's published.  You will have a week to get in your entries, so they're due the eighth. This time will be shorter if everyone turns theirs in, or longer if someone pms me with a legitimate reason as to why they'd need an extension. Any questions, pm me. So I know you read these, when you post your entries, put "Batman and Potatoes" in bold at the top of your entry. Got that?


In the story, you must include the household object, a table.  The table must somehow play a key role in your story, and your story can be no longer than about 3-4 pages, if it's shorter, that is fine. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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