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Red Head's POV

Fluttering my eyes open, I find myself tangled in He tian's toned arms. Sitting up, I roam my eyes around and realized I'm inside his room. What happened earlier at the kitchen... I remember it all. I can feel my cheeks heating up again. Oh shit, I feel so embarrassed, did I just sleep with a GUY?! IM STRAIGHT!



Am I?

Gaaaahhhhh, this is confusing, but.. I have to admit I really loved what happened, it feels too good to be true.

"Hmnn," I look over at he tian when I heard him hum, he was rubbing his eyes. "You're awake?"

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

"Lay down beside me again." He said, patting the spot beside him and I obliged, enveloping me into his arms, while leaning his chin on top of my head. Leaning my head against his chest, I can hear his heart beating. "Sorry for everything."

I blinked a couple of times, before closing my eyes and snuggling closer to him.

"Yohre forgiven." I mumbled. "Tell me," detaching myself from him, I sat up and folded my arms upon my chest. "I want to know what happened between you and your brother." He seems to be surprised by my question for his eyes widened, shaking his head, he also sat up, running his hand through his dark tousled hair.

"You don't wanna know."

"I wanna know." I insist, making him sigh in frustration.

"Fine, since we're dating now, you have the rights to know." He started, staring at me, his dark eyes filled with sadness and bitterness. "Hes a mafia, when I was young he's already member of the mafia. He promised that he will protect me no matter what, but he didn't fulfill his promise for he joined the mafia and left me alone on my own. I was vulnerable and fragile. I needed him so much but... He wasn't there... And now he called me saying he wanted to meet up. I can't meet him or else I'll beat the shit out of him for leaving my side. So it's really hard for me to... See him.." I never knew he's been hurt like this, I never knew the cruel He tian I know had gone through such pain, and he looks sad, he looks so depressed and I want to tear up just by looking at him, he was staring at his lap, avoiding my gaze. Then I remembered Quitong and her way of comforting me and I decided to do it to he tian as well, to comfort him.

I spread my arms and he tian stared at me in confusion, I blushed because this is quite embarrassing.

"Come here." I said, wiggling my fingers. A small laugh escaped his mouth before wrapping his arms around my abdomen and resting his head against my stomach. I, in return, hugged him tightly, stroking his hair. Oh He tian... Why do you make me fall inlove with you.


He tian and I decided to eat at the nearest McDo, and once we're on the living room, we realized Zhang xixi and Jian yi's already home, watching TV.

Jian Yi looked over at me, while drinking a bottle of water. "Oh, I bet you two had a good time." I immediately blushed.

"You guys hungry?" Zhang asked. "We ordered pizza."

"Right on time," a voice said behind me, it was He tian, making his way towards the couch and sitting along with his two brothers, and I sit beside him, putting his arm over my shoulders and bringing me closer to himself.

"Oh, and hey, Kyla invited us into her welcome party, she just got back from Italy." Jian Yi said. Who's Kyla?

"Really? Am I invited too?" I hear he tian asked, a smirk on his face, and then Zhang xixi gave me a stare, I don't know why before drifting his gaze upon He tian once again.

"Yes, actually, she wanted you to come." Jian Yi said, shrugging.

"Red, Kyla is He tian's ex girlfriend." Zhang said and my eyes widened. "Just thought you have to know." Then I looked at He tian who smiled at me, pecking the tip of my nose.

"Dont worry, we're long gone, I don't need to come if you don't want me to." He said much to my relief.

"Heyyyy, don't be such a kj, come on! It's one of the best parties this year! Invite Red too if you'd like." Jian Yi insisted and I looked at He tian, who was staring at me, asking for permission and I nodded my head.

"I'll come." I said and he hugged me tighter. Kyla is just an ex girlfriend, I mean, theyre over so... What's worse that could happen?


We're inside Kyla's house, her house isn't huge so it being packed with people makes it look more smaller. People are also making out on every corner, some are dancing and grinding each other, Zhang xixi and Jian Yi was out of sight, they had drink a lot of shots already so maybe they're drunk and having sex somewhere, while I'm here alone on the corner along with a bunch of stoners. Anyways, where's He tian?

Looking around, I didn't saw him and then felt a pair of toned arms snake around my stomach from behind, this person stench of beer.

"Hey, babe." Oh, it was He tian. I sighed in relief.

"Hey, so are we done yet?" I asked.

"No, just a few more drinks!" He promised, letting go. "I'll just refill my cup." After that, he detach himself from me and squeeze his way through the drinks on the other side of the room. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"That was fast, He tia---" I was cut off when I realized it wasn't He tian, but instead, a gorgeous girl wearing a blue fitting dress, showcasing her beautiful curves, not just she have a sexy rocking body, she also have a very beautiful face, dark long eyelashes, lilac eyes and plump lips. Is she an actress?

"Hello, you must be Red Head," this girl said, smiling at me, her smile hinted of malice.

"Ah, yeah, how'd you know?" I asked shyly, rubbing my temple.

"Well, let's just say I know a lot of things." She mused.

"Oh, right." I coughed awkwardly.

"Anyways, my name's Kyla." My eyes widened. "He tian's ex girlfriend."

She's... Her?

"Let me tell you something," she walked closer to me, placing her hand on my chest, her smile turning into a nefarious smirk. "He tian is MINE, only mine. Not yours," I can feel my heart tearing up, her words' stabbing me like knives. "I don't even know what He tian saw in you, I mean, look at you," que to her words, she eyed me up and down. "You're nothing, you're just a worthless man, a GAY man desperate to get fucked, so I really wonder what He tian ate to fall for something like you, in fact, I'm more better than you, much much better, starting from head to toe, and especially," she leaned in my face, her judging dark eyes looking into mine. "I can satisfy him in bed more than you can." Tears involuntarily fell out of my eyes, but I didn't blinked nor rub it away, instead, I showed a tough exterior on, biting my trembling lips.

"You're right." I sniffled. "Excuse me." With that, I run out of there as I burst into fresh tears.

How can I be so stupid?


Hi, aaaand sorry for not updating in like a week ha ha ha me and my lazy ass... Anyways, I hope the chapter isn't too bad. And hey, Kyla isnt part of 19 days Manga, I just made her up to make some drama ha ha. Anyways, thanks y'all for reading~

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