Chapter 3: You can call me McKenna the Great.

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<McKenna POV>

When I woke up this morning this is how it went.

I snuggled further into a warm pillow. I then remembered that I don't have any rock hard pillows, might I also point out that I defiantly don't have silk sheets, or a memory foam bed. At this point, I was kinda freaking out, and it didn't help when I realized these three things.

Number 1: I couldn't breath.

Number 2: I couldn't move.

Number 3: I had to pee. Very badly.

I took a deep breath (or as deep of a breath as I could considering the circumstances) and screamed. The second sound started coming out of my mouth, the giant weight was off of me, and I was opening my eyes to run to the the much needed bathroom. I was out of the bed and half way to the ensuite before I realized three more puzzling realities.

Number 1: I don't have an ensuite.

Number 2: This is not my room.

Number 3: I still need to pee.

After the third realization, I decided to puzzle over my situation while going to the bathroom. I ran right into the bathroom and discovered that it was definitely a guy's bathroom. Everything in there screamed "I AM A MANLY MAN" honestly it was disgusting. While in the bathroom pondering my many questions in life, I decided to take a shower, because everyone thinks better in the shower right? After starting the shower, I cringed when I looked down and realized that I was wearing the same clothes that I went to school in yesterday. Ew. I hopped into the shower and tried to remember what happened yesterday when BAM! It hit me like a truck, and everything came back. Maximum, or should I say Maxi, kidnapped me after deciding that I was his I shuddered mate. I mean that's impossible though, because I'm a human. Right? I ended up going out of the bathroom with more questions then when I went in.

Anyway, when I barged out of the bathroom, fully intent on asking my questions of dear Maxi, I was quite surprised to find him sitting in the bed. The bed, staring right at me. I was quite proud of the way I hid my surprise. Instead of screaming and running back into the bathroom, I instead tripped on my own feet and ended up falling right on my face. Not even a second later, Max was there.

"Oh my god are you ok? I'm so sorry, for surprising you, I should have caught you when you fell I'm such a horrible mate-"

"Hold on there Maxi" I cut him off. "There is no reason why you should have caught me, you were on the other side of the room anyway. Plus I have some questions to ask you."

He stopped me by smirking and saying "Nuh uh. I'm not answering any questions of yours before you tell me your name."

Smart boy, using my own words against me. I guess I could humor him just this once.

"Wow." I replied in a deadpan voice. "Very original." I sighed before holding my hand out and saying "Well Maxi, the name's McKenna Hall, my friends call me Kenna, but you can call me McKenna the Great." I stopped and pretended to ponder before adding "McKenna the Beautiful works to," and then shrugged "It's up to you really."

He looked at me with something like confusion in his eyes before he started laughing. But like, he wasn't just chuckling, he was full on laughing. He was wheezing so hard he reminded me of a dying elephant. Is it weird that my mind found that kind of attractive? Ugh, stupid teenage hormones.

I looked at him like he was crazy before saying "Anyway, about those questions."

He sobered up quickly at those words before sitting up straighter and saying "Sure, shoot."

Well that was a lot easier then I was expecting it to be. He must be trying to make up for kidnapping me. I let it slide, because I was finally going to get some answers. "Ok. I might as well clear this up. If we were mates, I'm not saying that we are, because we aren't, but hypothetically, it wouldn't be possible right? I'm a human. I can't have a mate, right?"

He looked at me sheepishly, "Um, I'm not sure that I'm the one you want to hear the answer to that from."

"What? Who would I want to hear the answer from then? Just tell me, it can't be that big of a deal."

"Ok, if you say so" he said this so unsurely that I almost wanted to take back what I just said, but I remained silent, and motioned for him to continue. "Well you're right. It is not possible for a werewolf to be mates with a human-"

I jumped up and did a victory dance.

"-it is however, possible for a werewolf to be mates with a half-werewolf."

My victory dance ceased. "What?"

"Well," he looked at me out of the corner of his eye before looking away. "When was the last time you saw your dad?"

All I ever heard about my dad was that my mom met him one day through her job. They dated, and after two years, they got married and had me and my twin brother, Ben. All mom ever says past that is that he found someone else that he loved more, and she still sees him on occasion while working.

"Oh my God. I can't believe that I didn't piece it together earlier. Mom met dad through her job: she works for your pack, my dad would live in your pack then. They got married and had me, before he found someone he loved more: my dad must have found his mate. Mom says that she still sees him on occasion while working: again, she works for your pack, so she must see him there." I stopped, realizing what that meant. "So you are saying that I'm half werewolf? What does that mean? Will I be able to turn into a wolf like you? Does it hurt? Will I have to join your pack? What's it like being in a pack? More importantly, what's it like being a werewolf?"

When I stopped to take a breath, Max looked kind of overwhelmed as he said "Yes, I am saying that you are half werewolf. That means that yes, you will be able to shift into a wolf like me, but half werewolves shift for the first time when they turn 18. Shifting for the first time hurts very much, but after that, it doesn't hurt anymore. I would love for you to join my pack, but of course, I would never force you to. Being in a pack is like having a giant family that you can rely on and know that they are always there for you no matter what you do. Finally, being a werewolf is amazing. It feels like you are free, and like you could do anything you put your mind to. It makes you feel strong, fast, and confident. It's the greatest feeling there is.

"Woah. Hold up. You're saying that I shift for the first time when I turn 18? That's in three days. Yeah, wow. This is a lot to take in. Um, would you mind driving me home, I have a few things I need to discuss with my mom."

He started, "Oh, of course, that would make sense, wouldn't it? Um, so you kinda slept in past school, because of how tired you were, one o'clock right now."

I slowed as I was reaching for my shoes. "What did you just say?"

He looked scared at this point. "It's just that you looked so cute and peaceful while you sleep, and it seemed like you were really tired, I didn't want to wake you." He mumbled under his breath "And I really like sleeping next to you, and I didn't want you to leave."

"Wait a second Maxi, did you just say that you slept next to me? As in, on the same bed as me? Were you that heavy thing that was making it hard to breath or move?" Was it his chest that I snuggled into this morning? That's so embarrassing.

"Uh, yeah..."

I sighed. I don't have time for this. "Okay, I need to talk to my mom, so I can't have this conversation right now, but be ready, it's coming in the future. Next time though, just wake me up, you ruined my perfect attendance. Twice."

"Sounds good Kenny, but how about we get you home?"


Hey guys, Kat here with another chapter for you. Notice how this one is longer? Tada! Anyways, hope you enjoy, like usual, vote and comment, it's a great way to show me you like my book, and wordlessly tell me my book doesn't suck and that I should keep writing it. Anyway, talk to you guys later! Bye!


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