the fourth letter

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❝you don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not❞


you came looking for me today.

how do i know?
you asked me.

not just me of course, it was with the others. you even asked laina and tess.

like i would tell either of them.

i love our little group, though.

not like i love you, of course, but in the you-guys-are-like-my-brothers-and-sisters type of way. they're always there for anyone in our little circle of friends. and we can all be so free.

it's refreshing.

it's brilliant.

do you remember that time when laina got used by a guy and she was absolutely heartbroken?
we all went round to her house and bought her favourite foods with us, and we watched horror movies because she hates chick flicks, and really, who wants to watch romance when you just had a failed relationship?

i know i wouldn't.

but it's okay, i get that some girls like that.

do you eve? i know you like action movies, and sci-fi tv shows and quirky things that no-one seems to know about.

but i never asked if you liked cliche stuff.

it just seemes too far-fetched to even be a possibility.

but you could, you know.

i would still love you, for all your little quirks and flaws.

it's what makes you you.

still loving you,

-your secret admirer

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