His Hidden Talent

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Peter Pan: As it turns out, he can draw amazingly well. The lost boys normally wonder where he goes for hours on a bad day, when really he's at his thinking tree sketching. One of the ways that you found out he liked you was when he called you into his tent to ask you about schedules. He accidentally left his sketches of you on his bed.
Felix: He has a nifty talent for whistling. He can whistle any tune you can think of. The lost boys know when he's coming to check on them because they can hear him whistling.
Hook: Soccer. Ever since he lost his hand, he had to find new ways to do things, including moving stuff. It started when he had dropped an orange on the ground, but his hand was full, so he decided to kick it. It seemed quit fun to him and from the on he just kicked a ball around whenever he could.
Neal: as it turns out, he can dance. All of those years of being a lost boy. You can find him dancing with earbuds in his ears or jamming out in the car.
Henry: He absolutely loves to take photos of nature and everyday life. If you ever can't find him, he's in the woods or somewhere in the city trying to find a good shot.
Mr. Gold: Of course, magic is a talent but you never knew just how funny he was. Even if you are in the worst mood, there's something to make you feel better. He has witty comebacks and amazing charm for anyone who will give him a chance.

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