How He Acts Around You

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Peter Pan: Around others, he acts serious and in control. But around you, he's sweet, silly, and caring. He tends to pull small pranks on you from time to time. You're the only one who sees this side of him (except for MAYBE Felix at times).
Felix: He seems intimidating, but he's really just a big goof ball! Being tall, he runs into things if he doesn't watch out. This is a problem when he walks with you because he's to busy gazing at you. He loves to give you big hugs that last for about a few minutes so you know how much he cares for you.
Hook: Being a pirate, he has a few tales to tell! What he doesn't add is how he normally embarrasses himself in some way on his way to victory. No one knows those parts except for him and you. Y'all have stayed up countless nights laughing at his mistakes. It normally ends will you two sleeping under the stars on the deck of his ship.
Henry: Henry is always more carefree around you. He talks about his adventures from Neverland sometimes, but not normally. Spending time with him involves a lot of hugs and cuddling.
Baelfire: He always enjoys long walks in the woods with you or a drink at Granny's diner. He's more gentle and playful. He opens up to you about his troubles with his father, and trusts your advice.
Mr. Gold: You're always amazed at his magic. He leaves you gifts in places he knows you will find them. They would normally be little things like a necklace, rose, or a sweet note.

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