Like Rabbits

498 10 2

"Agent Morse?"



"Headed up. Apartment 206. And it's agent now, Hunter,"

"Copy that,"

Coulson raised his chin lightly in Mack's direction, beckoning him to follow. The mechanic nodded, falling in next to his partner.

"Still can't believe he's after them," Mack muttered, voice dark. "After everything they've been through, they at least deserve this."

Coulson sighed. "I know. Director's a pain. But at least after all's said and done, we're allowed to pick them up."

Mack grunted, checking around a corner before nodding for Coulson to follow. "Only wish it could have been under less stressed conditions."

"I'll take what I get,"

A week after Daisy's disappearance, Fitz and Simmons had left SHIELD for good. Every phone, laptop and Netflix account had been deactivated, leaving no trace of them. They were well and truly gone.

After the new Director had come into leadership three months later, he'd made it a point to track down the pair of scientists. It took under a week - they may be SHIELD agents, but they weren't spies.

They'd been left alone for another few months, but now, with new Inhumans popping up around the globe with abilities that confused even the most advanced SHIELD scientists, FitzSimmons were needed once more.

Unfortunately, without a way to contact them, the team was forced to resort to a good old fashioned drop in. And to add to the fun, AIM appeared to have also wanted to recruit the scientists. Just a bit more ... Forcibly.

"202 ... 204 ... 206," Mack mumbled softly, grinning at the last doorway. "Here we are, Turbo,"

Coulson allowed himself a small smile. Whether or not the two had disappeared without any explanation, it would still most certainly be a good thing to see them once more.

They stood for a moment, contemplating the door and the happy giggles echoing from inside. It struck him how carefree and over all happy they sounded.

He sighed heavily. "You know, the second we knock, we're going to ruin all this. Their little bubble they've created,"

Mack nodded softly, a gentle giant. "I know. I hate it as much as you do. But it's us or AIM,"

There was an answer on the third knock. The door swung open to reveal an early morning Fitz, hair ruffled and messy and still clad in an undershirt and pajama bottoms. Apparently Jemma had enjoyed his stubble, as it was still present. A purple mark stuck out on his neck. Coulson inwardly grinned.

Fitz's mouth dropped open, speechless. "Y-You ... Mack?"

Mack winced. "Sorry, Turbo. Duty calls,"

They moved to come in, but Fitz refused to budge from by the door. "No. No, I'm sorry, we're not going back."

"Please, Fitz, you have to come with us. You're in danger - AIM,"

"Leo?" A voice - instantly recognizable as Jemma's - echoed from in the apartment's master bedroom. "Who is it?"

He cringed, rubbing a hand up the back of his neck. "Just a minute, sweet!" His attention narrowed to the agents before him. "Listen to me, you have to go. We aren't SHIELD anymore,"

"I can see that, but-" Coulson was cut short by the creaking of floor boards. Fitz turned to see Jemma padding towards the door, clad only in his shirt from the night before and a pair of sweatpants. Also his.

"Jems, they were just leaving," he opened his arm to settle around her shoulders. With the movement opened up their line of sight to the biochemist, leaving Coulson and Mack both to gape at the baby bump poking out proudly from under Fitz's stolen top.

Jemma's eyes widened instantly. "Coulson! Mack!"

Coulson gulped, tearing his eyes away from her belly. "I, um -"

Fitz winced, sucking in a breath. Jemma did much the same beside him.


"Like rabbits, you two!" Hunter crowed over coms.

"Bucharest?" Mack raised an eyebrow.

"Bucharest," they sighed in tandem.

"Yep, rabbits,"


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