It doesn't take a doctor to be a nurse

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"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them- a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill."- Muhammad Ali

I think what people fail to realise is that there aren't these select few people who can attain success. It isn't a golden gem hidden beneath some people's beds, whilst others sleep only above a mattress, worn out from the dreams that never blossomed. You can do what you set your mind to. That is a fact. There is only one ingredient you need for actually finishing what you set out to do. That is DISCIPLINE. 

That's the special stuff that makes the average different from the great, the smart from the lazy and the procrastinator from the finisher. Discipline is what pushes a person forward on days he can't stand up. 

For those of you who see discipline as this abstract idea of a person who controls how many chocolates they eat in a day- well it is, but it's so much more too- here's what it means. "Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most." It is "Doing what needs to be done, even if you don't want to do it", and most importantly, it is "The bridge between goals and accomplishment."

Ask yourself, are you really disciplined? Do you always start and finish what you say you will? Did you lose weight when you started that diet or did you give up? How often do you miss school or work or appointments, because you just don't feel like getting up? How many times have you pushed your deadlines so far back that you don't end up doing them? or worse, you do them badly?

On some level we are all lacking discipline. For those of us who just don't know how to build that discipline, I'll give you 3 tips on how to get started.

1) Never focus on more than 1 stressful task at a time. Telling yourself that you're going to finish reading ten books, watching 3 shows, and writing 15 chapters is too much for a person to handle, and you end up not finishing anything. Remember 'He who begins many things, finishes but few.' Name 1 and write it down. 

2) Section that task into more manageable tasks and then give yourself deadlines. The stats show that people who are more precise about what they want to accomplish, write it down and give themselves a deadline are more likely to succeed. 

3) Never go a single day without doing something. This one is hard. We all have those days where we just don't want to do anything other than binge watch a show, sleep or stare into the darkness of our bedrooms. Well don't. Every day should be productive. I'm not telling you that it has to be a tough day. Just don't waste the day. Is it 11:00 and you've had a lazy day? Write one chapter. Do one piece of work. Do one sit-up. Just don't let the day go to waste. 

4) Science suggests that if you can do something everyday for 22-30 days, it will form a habit. You can try the 30 Day challenges. They are a great way to help you form a habit of doing something. Want to lose wight? 30 days of no chocolate, drinks, sweets or desserts. (I've done this and I assure you, if you can keep at it till you finish- I did 50 days, you will feel great and your appetite for chocolate will decrease- yeah I know, hard to believe) This is the same for anything else, forming a habit requires discipline. If you fail at 10 days, it's OK, start over. But don't give up till you've reached 30 days. 

5) Most importantly, finish what you start. "Much of the stress people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they have started." I guarantee that if you begin to finish the tasks you start, your days will feel lighter, your nights more rested and your mind at more peace. 

And here is where  your journal comes in.. Fill the page with ink, all the things you said you were going to do, all the things you want to do, all the things you started but never finished. Then choose one, every month work on one. Follow the tips above and make the year productive. Never give up, never give in, Never quit. 

What are some of the things you said you would do but never did? What are some goals you started but never finished? Let me know in the comments section. I'd love to know the different goals people have.. You may even inspire others with your ambitions, no matter how big or small.

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