Write down your dreams

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"One day, your life will flash before your eyes, make sure it's worth watching."

Everyone has a bucket list. It may be written down, it may be in your mind, it may be the pictures you have on your wall. But we all have places we want to go and things we want to accomplish. So here's my top tips for writing that perfect bucket list.

1) Don't think about word count:

It isn't about how many goals you can write down first. It's about what you really want to do. Think about all those times you've seen something on TV or seen someone else do and you think, 'I really wish I could do that,' they're what needs to go down on the paper.

Starting with your bucket list is important. It's a way of defining your goals, interests and the way you want to live your life. And until you know who you are, you won't know what you want. And this is the problem. So many people are walking aimlessly through life without really knowing what they want. So many people are in jobs that make them unhappy and doing things to occupy themselves that are making them even more bored with life. So every time you think of a goal you want to achieve, or a new experience you just have to try, write it down.

This is going to be one key repeated point you will read throughout this book; Write it down. Because, if you can write it down, you're a step away from having it now.

2) Don't be embarrassed to write what you want:

I think it's important to remember that this bucket list is for you. No goal is too small and no dream is too out of reach. Don't think of leaving something out because it's 'silly.' If you want to do it, then it shouldn't matter how easy it is to achieve or how insane the idea is to you. Who are you embarrassed off? yourself? Write it down, don't be embarrassed.

3) Keep pushing those goals: 

If you've checked something off your bucket list, make sure you check it off your bucket list. Yes, it's that simple. Because every time you take that pen to the paper and you cross one off, the excitement you feel makes you want to keep checking things off that list, and that's the driving force you're gonna need to keep following your dreams.

And then, when you have ticked some off, write some more. There can never be a list too long. You have so much more to experience and so much more to see. And as you keep writing, you will notice that the further you go into that list, the crazier it seems to think you will finish it. You will start writing things that you've only ever dreamt about but have never spoken into reality. But that's exactly what you need to do.

4) List of Ideas:

Are you stuck on how to start??? Well, that's simple, when I started, I took ideas from the internet. You can search bucket list ideas or you can look at some of my own ideas below. and then once you've written some down, it's up to you to start ticking them off. Here are 30 of my own bucket list ideas to get you started...


1# Visit Niagara falls
2# Raise money for many charities
3# Play pool
4# Send someone a hand written letter
5# Witness an eclipse
6# Watch lit up paper lanterns go
7# Write myself a letter and open it in ten years
8# Make a scrapbook
9# Right down my regrets and burn them
10# Learn to say thank you in 6 languages
11# Learn to use chopsticks
12# Go paintballing
13# Camping under the stars/Camp fire
14# Watch the sunset from a pier
15# Ride a horse
16# Go to a shooting range
17# See the northern lights
18# See the seven wonders of the world
19# Learn sign language
20# Bury a time capsule
21# Make a 'dear future me' video
22# Learn Latin
23# Learn Calligraphy
24# Visit the Wizarding world of Harry Potter
25# Send a message in a bottle
26# Visit Pixar studios
27# Ride a camel
28# Set foot on all 7 continents
29# Say yes to everything for a day
30# Get a scholarship

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