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There is nothing really special about today. I just realized some few things about motherhood.

I became a full-pledge mom and experienced how to be one. Motherhood is the toughest job there is. I second the motion. It is never a walk in the park. It entails a lot of work to do with little credit some times.

I am now a mother to my eight-month-old daughter. I looked after her not because it is my responsibility but because I wanted to... I loved to. I realized that being a mother is not easy. You have a lot of chores to do. From preparing her everything when the day starts and sending her to sleep at day end. I made all the chores by myself alone. I washed her clothes, cooked her food (and not just ordinary food, something nutritious of course), got her to bed,  read her stories at night, bathed her, changed her diapers every now and then, prepared her milk and the worst of them all was getting her back to sleep in the middle of the night.

Urggh! Sleepless nights are just terrible!  And then the following day, you are forced to get up early because she is up already...At dawn, when Mr. Sun is not yet up. Not even counting that you miss to take care of your self. Mind you I made all the complaining in just a span of eight months. How much more if it takes a lifetime?

But who am I to complain? Who am I  blaming to? After all, becoming a mother is always a choice. It is not somebody's mistake. (except for rape victims of course)

More so, above every thing that has been tagged to being a mom, the prize it renders is just precious. The joy that a child can give is priceless. It is just incomparable. Something I won't bargain for anything. When you are hugged back and kissed back, all the night-long wakefulness are wiped away. When your child looks for you and can't even feel safe without you around is some emotion that is difficult to explain. Just simple yet genuine happiness. A bliss so pure that only a mother would know.

Hands down to all the dowting mothers out there. All respect are due for not abandoning your child amidst cruelties and hardships in life.

Lovingly yours,


©September 2016

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