Chapter 9: An Unexpected (and Rude) Welcome to Whiterun

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Hey there, guys! I'm back with a new chapter, though this one is a bit of a filler, I'm sorry to say. However, I do have some important announcements/questions to talk about in the A/N, so please bear with me.

My first announcement would be that I have found a theme song for Mage, and I have included a like to it in the Media section beside this chapter if you all are curious as to what it is. If you listened to it, what did you guys think of the song?

Second announcement: Toralf will indeed be leaving the main company in the next two or three chapters, but I've actually gotten an idea for those of you who liked his character. I've been thinking about writing a story about him (not in his POV, just to clear things up) and his successes and failures as a member of the Companions. It would probably update more slowly than Mage, but I'm not sure what the updating speed will be for sure. So, would you all like to hear more about the misadventures of our boastful young Nord? Please let me know in the comments. :)

Well, I've talked long enough. Despite the lack of important content within it, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


Finally, the sun began to rise over the clear horizon, marking the end of a very long night and signifying the start of what looked to be a beautiful day. Leaving my post and moving in stiff-legged strides, I made my way to pack up my things, and I assumed that Helgír was doing the same. I was still not sure what decision he'd come to after our conversation the night before, but I sincerely hoped that he was going with us. Though he didn't realize it, I'd come to see him as a leader, and I wasn't sure I would be able to find anyone else as willing to help me as he had been. That and I didn't want to be stuck with Toralf and his huge ego all by myself, either.

I finished stuffing my things into my pack and turned to see what the others were up to, and noticed to my annoyance Toralf was still sleeping like a log. My irritation soon changed to amusement as my gaze landed on an empty bucket lying on its side by the smouldering campfire we'd set up the night before, and I snatched it, heading to the river and filling it with water as quietly as I could. Sneaking back to camp, Helgír noticed me, shaking his head at my actions but I could see he was smirking a bit as I made my way to the dormant form of Toralf.

Without a second thought, I dumped the whole bucket of ice cold river-water over Toralf's head. The unfortunate young man practically leapt from the earth on which he had been sleeping, still tangled in his bedroll, and screamed as if he'd been shot, eyes wide and unfocused.


He thumped back down against the ground, soaking wet and doing his best to untangle himself as Helgír and I both broke out laughing at his reaction. Toralf finally got up, water dripping from his hair and clothes in rivulets and his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "You think that's funny, don't you?"

I was still laughing too hard to respond to him, as was Helgír, and, surprisingly, Toralf managed to calm down, smiling a little himself, "Well, I guess it's a bit funny, if you're not on the recieving end. Give me a second to try to get dry, and I'll be ready to get going."

I didn't expect that Toralf would get over that little prank that quickly, but got over my initial surprise as I turned to Helgír, looking at him hopefully as I asked, "What did you decide? You're coming... Right?"

"I thought it over, and I am," he responded simply, adding, "You were right. What you said last night stuck with me, and I'm willing to give this whole thing another shot. If the people need me... Well, I don't want to fail them."

I felt a stupid grin spread over my face, and I was about to reply when something cold splashed down over my head. I let out a loud yelp, turning to see Toralf grinning at me and holding the same bucket I'd used to splash him with. "Not so fun to be on the receiving end, is it?" He said smugly.

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