Chapter 24: Vide Vigile

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The atmosphere of Vilemyr Inn was almost mockingly warm and cheerful upon my entry of the establishment, considering what I'd just been through. A bright and spread-out fire crackled merrily in the firepit in the center of the inn's main room, casting oddly shaped and abstract shadows on the walls and ceiling as an enormous trout roasted on a spit suspended above the flames, giving off a mildly unpleasant smoky, fishy smell that overpowered all other scents. What looked like the majority of the inn's patrons were gathered within close vicinity of the controlled blaze, most likely due to the recent bad weather I seemed to have caused - except for the barkeep, of course, who seemed intently focused on polishing the counter of his bar. As I made my way towards the back of the room, I received a few wary, even suspicious looks from my fellow patrons, which, considering my outfit - and the state of it - I didn't really blame them for their unfriendliness. And, considering that at present I wasn't much in the mood for striking up any conversations, this was an almost welcome reception.

Just as I reached the bar, the innkeeper finally looked up from his work. The man - Wilhelm, I think his name was - had tired, sunken-looking eyes, and time, and possibly stress, had clearly left its mark on him, if the defined lines across his forehead and near his mouth were anything to go by, as well as his receding hairline. His face and clothing looked slightly grungy, and I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn't in a conversational mood - and this seemed to be his default mood, as, right before my companions and I began our trek up to High Hrothgar, we'd stayed the night at the inn as well, and he'd been just as 'friendly' the first time we stopped by. However, his expression changed from bored and unapproachable to slightly surprised as he took in my appearance, but then promptly regained his neutral and world-weary countenance as he half-asked, half-stated, "Here to rent a room, or get a meal?"

"Just one room, please," I replied, barely aware of how uncharacteristically bland and dull my voice sounded as I spoke.

Wilhelm merely grunted in reply, and, seeming to know better than to ask about my companions whereabouts, merely passed me a slightly tarnished corundum key, jerking a thumb towards the door nearest to my right, remarking simply, "That's your room. It's yours for the day."

"Thank you."

I proceeded to retire to my room with haste, locking myself in as soon as I'd entered it. The bags I'd been carrying dropped to the floor in a disorganized heap as I sank into a conveniently placed wooden chair, hardly caring how roughly-hewn and uncomfortable it was as I put my head in my hands, as I was now finally able to allow myself to reflect fully upon the day's events. Despite losing two friends in one day, however, I found myself strangely devoid of any strong emotions regarding that loss What I was feeling, however, was much duller than the fury, anguish, and disbelief that I'd gone through earlier - but by no means was it harmless. I was hardly over what had happened, but I found myself entirely devoid of expressing how I felt, deep down - it was as if my soul itself had been completely worn out by what I'd witnessed today. And, for that matter, all of me felt exhausted. Apparently, the act of calling down an out-of-control thunderstorm had taken its toll on me as well, as, now that I was seated, I didn't feel like I'd be able to get up from the chair anytime soon, despite how uncomfortable it was.

Despite my exhaustion, however, it was evident I wouldn't be able to fall asleep anytime soon. Every time I closed my eyes, I caught glimpses of Nightbrook's surprised face, and of the aftermath of the destruction I'd caused. After trying a few times to fall asleep, all of it in vain, I decided that it would be a better use of my time to try and do something else with my time. For that matter, sleep was probably the last thing I needed after a day like today, considering what likely waited for me there.

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