undiscovered death

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one day a girl was walking alone in the woods. after a while, she got tired and sat down under an enormous willow tree. the girl saw a beatiful white crane on a peice of fallen wood balancing in a small pond. being an artistic person, she always carried a canvas into the woods and she decided it would be fun to sketch the bird in its natural habitat,  for hours she sketched and for hours the bird stayed waiting. when she finaly finished, the crane flew away and the girl cuddled up to the grave stone under the giant tree and began to read a book she had brought and soon she fell asleep.

she awoke to the sound of someone walking through the tall grass and looked up to see a boy her age accompanied by his family coming twords her. the closer they got the quicker she faded away.


so, we have a graveyard in our backyard?

yes, and the towns people say its haunted too,


you can explore later mason, come help me and your mother unpack,



as they headed back into the house the girl reappeared and began walking deeper into the woods, there, she saw the burnt out shell of her beatiful house through the reflection of the second pond, as she drifted around she began to think of a way to lead the boy here, and show him where all the undiscovered secrets are.

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