•The Beginning•

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The Begnning

"Sire, we have them."

Everyone in the throne room turned as a voice rang out. Demetri was standing there, at the entrance, a smug smile on his face. He ignored Jane's glare. Demetri and Felix, along with a few others, had been gone for months, on a special mission, one that not even the wives were allowed to know the purpose of. One that Jane and Alec weren't invited on.

The three kings stiffened in their thrones. Aro's face lit up with joy. Caius looked furious-nothing new, there- and for the first time in centuries, Marcus actually looked interested in something.

"Leave us." Aro waved the occupants of the room away. Jane left with a huff, being dragged along by her brother. Demetri chuckled when Jane had to be dragged away by her brother, still glaring at him. He winked at her, antagonizing her further. "Come forward, my son." The black-haired king beckoned him, and the tracker knelt before him, holding his hand out for Aro to take.

"I finally have them. The worst of the worst." He said, as Aro grasped his hand, closing his eyes as the memories flooded in. Marcus watched his brother's expressions carefully, while Caius became more enraged as the time passed.

Aro finally opened his eyes, his lips curling into a wicked smile.

"Well done, my child." He praised. "You have my permission to begin their training."

"You honestly can't be considering this, brother! We don't need them! We have a guard! The Romanians...they're just rumors!" Caius' protests were cut off by Aro holding up a hand, effectively silencing his younger brother.

"I want them brought here, to Volterra."

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