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Ash: hey chels maybe we can go somewhere today or some junk get you over that break up.

ChairHandler: who is this?

Ash: oh sorry I must've messaged the wrong person.

ChairHandler: oh it's okay.

Ash: I was trying to text my friend to help get her over a break up.

ChairHandler: oh is it that bad? Oh and btw I'm Chandler.

Ash: I'm Ashley and yeah he made me tell her their breaking up at lunch and he was with another girl by 7th period.

ChairHandler: wow that's harsh.

Ash: yeah well sorry I bothered you.

ChairHandler: no it's okay. Um maybe we could be friends and I could help with your friend.

Ash: sure we can be friends.

ChairHandler: okay well I've gotta go to bed it's like 1:30am so night.

Ash: I don't sleep much but yeah it is pretty late. Night Chandler talk to you tomorrow.

ChairHandler: tomorrow

End of messages

I put my phone of charge and turned on my playlist. One thing bugged me was the last thing he sent was tomorrow. Why just tomorrow? I don't know maybe it's normal I'm just not used to it. Well I'll think more about that tomorrow I need some sleep. I stared up at my ceiling for a bit and slowly drifted to sleep.

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