Chapter 12

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I was at the entrance to the caves, a rag over my mouth so I couldn't talk, and my hands tied behind my back. I was silently crying, I didn't know where Baelfire was, he was taken in another direction. I'm all alone, and I've never been alone before, never truly alone. I leaned against the back of the cage and then pulled my legs up to my chest, moving my arms around so they were on my knees. Tears blurred my vision, and I was hungry and thirsty, I knew no one would come near me since.. Since now Pan has took control of my Papa.

I saw the lost boys carrying a cage into Echo Cave, it was Baelfire. I looked at them as they walked by, they didn't even look at me. I laid my head against the wood, and stared out, I just want my Papa, that's all I ask for.
Once the lost boys come out, they run off, after a while, I saw a group of people walking this way. They saw me, and looked at me, a man with a hook, said" come on." Captain Hook. They all kept walking.
They walked out, I saw Baelfire, he said" Flower." He bent down next to me, and then grabbed a rock and smashed the lock, he opened the cage and lifted me out, I said" I-I need to g-get b-back to papa." Baelfire said" you can't. Not yet." I started crying again, soon I fell asleep, while Baelfire held me.

The blonde woman, Emma, said" Pan's shadow, that's the way off the island?" Not Pan's shadow, Pan himself, he's a shadow. Baelfire said" unfortunately that's the only way off the island." Prince Charming, or David said" we thought you learned how to navigate the stars." Navigating stars is easy, Papa taught me. Baelfire said" I know to navigate the stars but I can't fly." Snow White, or Mary Margret said" that's where the shadow comes in." Bae said" we have to capture it." Emma said" you can't be 10 feet in front of Pan unless he wanted us to be. We have to sneak up on him to steal his shadow, that sounds insane." Hook said" except Pan's shadow is rarely with him." Baelfire saw my glare, he looked at me and shook his head, I screamed" you're wrong! Papa is good! Pan is bad!" Baelfire covered my mouth, Baelfire said" Flower, go talk to the moon. While we talk adult things." I breathed out but nodded, and walked away, climbing up a tree, and sitting so I could see the moon. Papa had taught me, if I was ever angry or sad to talk to the moon, it'd help. I said" Moon, them people don't understand Papa, he's a good guy, it's the Pan that's evil. I think only Bae knows the truth, none of them know Neverland, not even Bae, I miss Papa. I just want my Papa back, that's all I want. I don't care about anything or anyone, I just want my papa." Tears streamed down my face, I soon heard Bae yell" Come down, Flower." They were getting ready to go to Shadow Cave, I followed Bae, I said" you won't hurt my papa, right?" He said" I won't." I said" none of them will hurt my papa?" He said" I can't promise that." I said" my papa can't get hurt, he's all I have left." Bae bent down in front of me, he said" your Papa will be okay, I promise." I nodded, he smiled, he said" do you know anything, about anything?" I said" no, Bae. It's been a day since I last saw you and we played, but now you're a grown up?" He said" Peter wiped your memories." I said" what?" He said" nothing, nothing." He stood back up, and said" hey, go made some Amour for yourself, okay?" I said" why?" He said" just in case we find ourselves in a very bad situation." I nodded and ran off to find big leaves, i walked around and pulled big leaves from the ground and pointy rocks, and twigs. I started making amour, I made amour to fit my arms and then chest. I tied a vine around my waist, and ankles and wrists, I put pointy sticks in the belt. I walked back to Bae, he said" I forgot you were quick." He ruffled my hair, and nudged me off, I walked off and sat next to the fire.

We got to Bae's cave and they went in. I looked around, I felt something watching me, I said" Papa?" I got up and looked around the bushes, I saw Papa sitting on the ground. I said" Papa, what are you doing?" He said" come on, my little flower, walk to papa." I turned and saw a baby, trying to stand and walk. I said" what?" Soon they both disappeared, I backed away and walked back to Bae's camp, I walked to another area and saw Papa again, he said" well, Looks like you'll have to catch me, little one." He took off running, I looked and saw a little girl running after him, she screamed" Papa! Hahah! You're too fast!" I said" that's me." I stared at the spot as I saw the things, then someone touched my shoulder, I jumped and screamed, I turned and saw Baelfire, he said" you okay?" I nodded, he said" come on, we're headed to Da- Shadow Cave." I nodded, we walked.

Soon, Bae stopped, he said" we're gonna have to cut our way through." Emma pulled out a small sword, he said" here, use this." I looked at them then got on my knees and crawled under the branches and leaves. I got out and saw a very scary place, I said" Bae! Bae!" He said" hold on, I'll be right there!" Soon he came, and saw it, I looked at him, he said" it's okay." He smiled at me, I nodded, he went back to get the other two.

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