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#49 The signs as annoying stuff...

♈️Aries: Stubbing your toe

♉️Taurus: Having that one friend who is always one hour late for everything

♊️Gemini: Something you were going to eat but someone else picks it before you

♋️Cancer: A hangnail with a cut underneath it

♌️Leo: Coming across drunk kids on Twitter

♍️Virgo: When weird family members start touching your hair

♎️Libra: Those people who borrow your money but don't ever pay you back

♏️Scorpio: Nickelback

♐️Sagittarius: Having to deal with someone talkative that won't just shut up 

♑️Capricorn: "How are your grades?"

♒️Aquarius: Not being texted back

♓️Pisces: your sock slipping off your foot inside your shoe

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