60. Responds

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#15 The signs' responds after a horror movie...

♈️Aries: *shushes everyone, and then with only a sound of wind...* "AAAAAA"

♉️Taurus: convince themselves that they hadn't heard any strange sound

♊️Gemini: jumps out from nowhere to scare everyone

♋️Cancer: *shushes everyone* "guys... Did you here that?*

♌️Leo: "FINE! I'll go and check what is in the dresser"

♍️Virgo: "there's no such a thing as ghosts, there's no such a thing as ghosts!" try to conform themselves

♎️Libra: "guys, just take a deep breath!"

♏️Scorpio: "stop being such babies! It was just a movie!"

♐️Sagittarius: "don't worry, we are not going to die tonight! I mean... Well, not tonight!" Says something nasty to scare others more

♑️Capricorn: "she said she has gone to take something from garage! WHY ISN'T SHE BACK?? AAAA!"

♒️Aquarius: *act somehow to scare others more*

♓️Pisces: *can't sleep for nights*

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