All We Can Be is Friends

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~Nitorin's POV~

   "Chiba!" I called out as she ran away. I felt my heart beat as I raced after her. Sasa was in tears. No matter how fast I ran, she was always one step ahead of me. I ran until I couldn't breathe. It was no use; Chiba never seemed to tire. I walked slowly to the rest of the group. A single tear ran down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. Was she mad at me? Takatsuki and I are just friends. Yes, I like him. But he doesn't share the feeling. And that's okay. I have Anna-chan. Chiba never hated Anna like she hated Takatsuki. I like Chiba, but only as a friend. I just can't feel anything. She has been very kind to me, but I still can't fall in love with her no matter how hard I try. She approves of my cross dressing. She went as far as to buy me a dress. But I simply couldn't accept it. It was beautiful. But something inside me said no. 

   I don't understand Chiba. She seems to absolutely hate Chi-chan. Chi is kind of all over the place, but she's really nice. She hangs out with us daily. Her friend Momo, however... Momo is bitter towards all of us. She seems to hate Chiba the most. I can see why, as she is Sarashina's best friend. Momoko is extremely protective of Chi. She seems to be bothered by almost anything said to Chi. Most of the time, she tells Momo to calm down. It kinda works, but she stays angry for a while. Chiba is like Momo in many ways. She is very protective of me. She defends me from everything. She was the one who had warned me about Doi. I didn't listen. I hung out with Doi for a while. Later on, he had been making me uncomfortable. Wanting me to crossdress daily. I had eventually had enough. We are no longer friends. 

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