#Justin's hilarious facts

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💝Justin's hilarious yet cute facts💝


#1. Once, Justin fell out of a seat on an airplane and he was too lazy to get up, so he slept on the floor.

#2. On his laptop, there's a sticker that said "I like you better when you are naked!"

#3. Justin once called scooter at 4:30 am to tell him that "swaggie" is now "swaggy".

#4. Justin said he doesn't understand how girls can bleed once a month and not die. Haha..

#5. While in hotel, Justin likes to knock on doors and ran away.

#6. Justin killed his fish when he was little. He says that he didn't know then that fish couldn't breath out of water.

#7. When Justin first drove Sean Kingston's car, he had to sit on a pillow because he couldn't see over the steering wheel.

#8. Justin once saw a spider then ran out of the room screaming "GET IT KENNY!!"

#9. Justin once call Usher at 4:30 am and screamed "OMG, IT's USHER!" then hung up.






Wow wow.. Thanks for voting guys, I never thought it would be this quick.. But well, like Justin once said "BELIEBERS are stronger than an army!!" hehe...

Speaking of beliebers, I'm thinking maybe, next chapter could be


So, what'du think?!

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Again 5+ votes and 2+ comment for this chapter maybe?!

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