Chapter 1 ~ Ona's Night (part 2)

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Chapter 1 ~ Ona's Night (part 2)

“The greeting of the people of Ona is Ayrin e Ciel which is then responded with Auro e Selin. You should all know these, children. They were of the language of the moon children; the children born of men and Aurora or Seline when they wandered the Earth. Ayrin e Ciel, by Rin and Ciel, Auro e Selin, Aurora and Seline. Of course children, there is no proof of moon children or that the Moons walked Ona in the same form as we, these are tales told by teachers to children for generations.”

Hugo rested his cheek in his palm, resting his elbow on the table outside the store. The shade of the building leered over him; cut a large, cake slice of a shadow onto the ground.

The sun was setting. He had spent the most of the day sailing from Cai to the mainland, Onanciel. It had the mask of something civilised; people wore different clothes for each day, machines operated properly, shops were clean and bright, children were educated. But on the fringes, like the Wild Isles that encircled like piranhas around a helpless, dwindling school of fish. Except this school of fish was not some pretty, little, warm water breed. It was its own deadly, calculating species. Onanciel, Rinciel, and Auroselin were the three main, civilised islands. They were large, fertile and monopolised by corrupt and uncaring. The piranhic islands swirled around the main isles. They were much, much smaller in comparison and were left in the control of the unofficially corrupt.

These matters swallowed the peoples of Ona, but Hugo was unconcerned; he had been unconcerned with political and social problems of his people since El had been torn away from him. His mind clouded of El. He fought to be in control of the storm brewing in his mind, the war against the anger bubbling in his chest. He had met her here.

“Hugo, dear, you look unwell,” Hugo looked up at his acquaintance, Rene. She had dark, velvety hair and equally dark eyes contrast to fair skin. She held an umbrella to shade herself from the sun.

“Your last tip was a pile of shit,” Hugo sat back in the chair and reached into his jacket pocket.

She closed her umbrella, withdrew the chair next to him, and sat. Fiddling with her small bag, she placed her violet lighter on the table.

He then pulled the revolver out and laid it on the table, then pulled out a crumpled packet of cigarettes and laid it parallel to the revolver.

“When did you get that?” She asked cautiously. Hugo held a smile back; she had gotten so arrogant, now she was frightened of an unloaded gun.

“It’s for the cannibals with guns,” He replied.

“Well you know that only farmers carry guns,” She stated.

“Obviously not,” Hugo, like everyone lucky enough to go to school, was spoon fed that honour was the only way to battle. A bullet was a quick answer whilst a sword required skill and bravery. In many ways he agreed, but the main reason for a sword in his sheath was the rare use of guns.

But cannibals were carrying guns now.

They sat in silence, the lighter, revolver and crumpled pack of cigarettes on the table. Each with intricate designs and beautiful lettering.

Hugo reached for a cigarette, Rene snatched the lighter.

“I got you something good,” Rene smiled coldly, cunningly.

Hugo looked at her, cigarette in his mouth.

“Better than anything before,” He smiled widened, her eyes twinkling.

She leant towards him, uncomfortably intimate. Flicking a flame, she moved it to the worn cigarette.

“There’s been a sighting.”

Hugo awakened. He didn’t realise the dreamlike state he had been in; a zombie, killing in defence as he walked through the barren and bloodstained islands. El... Would it be this easy?

“Where?” He didn’t bother asking why she didn’t mention it straight away; that was a waste of time.

“Calm down,” She chuckled. He hadn’t even noticed how his hands had gripped her shoulders. “I am a lady.” Her smile was deceptively inviting.

His grip tightened; he didn’t want to deal with her childish flirting.

For the first time, Rene looked at Hugo. She stared into his eyes and they both saw each other.

She slumped, he relaxed. They were silent. She stood up, back turned to him.

“She... was at the Northern Gate Port.” She turned her head slightly towards him. “Heading to the Mouth of Rin.” Rene expanded her umbrella and departed.

Hugo sat in shock. He saw Rene, a lonely, little girl. He saw her walk away. Yet it felt like it was just words on a page. Whilst this news, this news was real; it could smack him in the face, wake him up.


“Remember this night my love, this is the night that we met; Ona’s Night. Our whole lives have changed because of this meeting.”

Remember my child, you shall have and love the daughter of Aurora from Ona’s thousandth night, remember too, as you are destined to love, you are destined to be torn apart.

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