Im going ghost!

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(Y/n) POV

I admit it was kind of rude that I said that to Daniel. But as Paulina always told me, I have to keep up my reputation no matter what.

School ended and Dash and I said goodbye.

Fenton gave me his address and I put it on my GPS. I walked up to a building called Fenton Works? Weird.

I knocked on the door,and a girl that was obviously older than me with red hair opened the door.
"Hi! How can I help you?" She said with a welcoming smile.
I smiled back, "Yeah,um is Daniel Fenton here?"

"Yep! Come in! His room is the first room to the right upstairs." The girl said opening the door and closing it behind me.

"Mkay,thanks." I said walking up the stairs and knocking on said door.

Danny's POV

I heard someone knocking on the door,probably (y/n). Boy,won't this be fun.
I straightened up my room some,because it was pretty messy I guess you could say.
I opened the door when I heard a knock,and she was standing there.

"Uh,hi." We both said at the same time.
We looked at eachother and smiled,but after a few seconds she went back to a serious face and cleared her throat. Popular people problems -_-

"Uh, can I come in orrrr?" She looked up at me.

She was just a little shorter than me,barley any difference. But still short to me.
"Yeah sure!" I opened to door wider and shut it behind her.

"So! The project!" I said going over to my desk.

"Hm? Oh yeah that. Hold on." I looked over and she was texting on her phone. Women! We got a project to do.

2 minutes later.

4 minutes later.

"Are you done yet?!" I said frustrated. I'm so glad Sam isn't like this.

"Chill! I'm done!" She rolled her eyes and came to have a seat at the desk.

I rolled my eyes back, and we got down to work. Actually, let me rephrase that. I got down to work. She checked her phone every 2 minutes!

I set my pencil down. "Aren't you going to help me?! Instead of just being on your phone!"

"Ugh! Let me see the freaking paper!" She took it from me and she was literally speeding through the questions! Dang what the heck!

30 seconds later, "DONE. HAPPY?" She crossed her arms.

My mouth dropped open. Okay,I knew she was pretty. But smart?! Suprise suprise!

"You seriously just did that in 30 seconds."

"What can I say? Chemistry is my fav." She said with a slight smile on her face.

"Huh,really? I didn't take a girl like you to like chemistry." I said with a slight smirk.

"Oh really? What's that suppose to mean Daniel?" She said laughing and leaning back in her chair.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "you can just call me Danny you know. and I thought you said you weren't gonna be friendly to me." I said raising an eyebrow and grinning.

"Whatevs,Danny." She flipped her hair.

"Ha!- " Then my ghost sense went off. Really ghosts?! I'm progressing to actually make a Barbie doll actually come to life!

"You good? You look cold,even though it isn't even cold in here..." (Y/n) said looking at me strangely.

"Yeah I'm okay,just wait here. I'll be right back!" I said rushing out the room.


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