Chemistry Class

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(Y/N) POV.

"Hey Paulina!" I said while giving my best friend a hug.
"Ah hi (y/n)!" Said my friend in her Latin accent, returning the hug.
Paulina has been my friend ever since we were in preschool! So we're pretty tight. We literally do everything together!
We let go ,and I turned around to open my locker to check my makeup on my magnetic mirror.
"So girl, tell me! How's you and Dash?!" She said in a fangirl tone while also opening her locker next to mine.
Dash and I have been going out for about 3 months now,next week is gonna be 4 months!It's going pretty good,I guess.
"Me and Dash? We're great! Next week is our 4 month anniversary!" I said smiling and closing my locker.
"Aww that's great hermosa!" (Hermosa: beautiful in Spanish,girl talk lmao) she said while fixing her hair.
"I know right! It's literally been the best 3 months of my life."
"You deserve it,but don't forget who hooked you up!"
I laughed and smiled at her, "You diiiid!"
She smiles back at me," Damn straight!"

We heard the bell ring, and she closed her locker and we started walking down the hallway. At the end, the hallways parted so she would go down one way, and I'd go down the other direction.
"Alrighty,well I'll see you at lunch Paulie!" I said before giving eachother air kisses.
"Kk bye girly!" And we parted.

I walked into my chemistry class and got shivers all of a sudden because let me tell you,it's sooooo freaking cold in there. Like I legit get goosebumps everywhere.

I find my seat in the back next to Dash, some guys from the football team, and some friends from my cheerleading team.
One of the cheerleaders looks at me and says, "AYYY (y/n)'S HEREEE!".
Then they all turn around and say "AYYYY" and I say the same back.
We're lit like that.
I sit next to Dash and he looks at me. "You look beautiful today (y/n)!" He says with a half smile half smirk.
I push a strand of (c/h) behind my ear and blush. "Thanks boo,and you look handsome like always." I said rubbing my arms to warm myself a bit.
Dash looks at me,and he sees me in my freezing condition. "You cold babe?"
"Yeah,little bit." I say expecting his warm jacket to soon be put around my shoulders.
In 3...
"Yeah I'm cold too! Glad I have my jacket."
Out the corner of my eye,I see 3 weird kids sitting a few seats away from us giggle. Oh dang, I didn't even know they were in this class lmao.
Before I can respond, Mr. Lancer comes in.

"Alright class,settle down now!" He said with his pregnant looking self.
"I hope you had a good weekend and today we'll- (Y/N)!" I then look up from my mirror startled.
"What?! You almost made me ruin my mascara!" I said as I twisted the cap back on from my mascara.
"Does it look like I care?! Bring it up here now,my classroom is not a restroom!" He said pointing to his desk.
I lazily stand up, and walk through the rows of desks. "Mhm yeah, but it sure looks like one. You need some decor up in here." I say setting my mirror and mascara on his desk,and sit back down.

The 3 kids that were giggling earlier,giggled again. I gave them a glare,that seemed to shut them up.

"Now,as I was saying. We're going to start a chemistry project. Now IM going to pick the partners this time. Apparently, SOME people in here-" he eyed our friends Tanner and Lola. "- can't work without being to busy to have kissy kissy time!"
They just snickered and shrugged.

He kept talking, and Dash turned around to face me.
"I hope we're partners." He said holding my hand.
"I know ri-"
"Cause psh! I can't do all that stuff,so that's why you're gonna do it for me right?" He said now holding both my hands.

I hesitated for a second, "U-um, yeah! That's right love!" I said with a forced smile.

He winked at me and then turned back around.
I sighed and slumped back into my chair.

"Alright, I'm going to call out the group names now! Listen up class because I'm not repeating!"

Fingers crossed!

Hey! So this IS a Danny X reader fanfic,so srry for the dash X reader. You'll understand later in the story :)
I made 'you' popular and girly because a lot of other fanfics have the opposite and I wanted to do something different:)
I'll have Danny's POV next chapter!

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