3 ⦿ dear victim

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"Viv," Jake calls out my name

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"Viv," Jake calls out my name.

I wait for him to catch up to me. He wraps his arm around me. I smell in his masculine deodorant he always puts on after gym class.

"How you are feeling?"

I pout at him. "I've got a horrible cramp. It happens the first few days."

"Hmm," says Jake. He's looking into his phone. "According to a period record app that I keep for you. It says you don't have your period for another week and four days." He raises his eyebrow at me.

Blast! He's been keeping a record! I should've known.

Act normal.

"Why do you have a period app?" I ask him gently.

"Oh, to know when I should keep away from you since-" he glances at me and see's my look, "-um... someone's got to do it. For the safety of course. "

"Right," I nod back at him. "Good call. But these apps aren't helpful to me."

His face shows pure puzzlement. "What do you mean? It's accurate. The ratings are high and so is the comment section. Is something wrong with you?"

"Well, I've got irregular ones," I saw slowly and shrugged my shoulders. "That means my ovaries don't work the same as other girls-"

On cue, the bell rang saving me. Jake leans forward and places a soft kiss on my forehead. He says close to my ear so I could hear him over the bell, "I've got to go to practice. I'll see you later."

He was at the end of the hallway with his pals before I could reply to him. There was no point to go after him as the hall started to fill up with students since it was home time

Just like yesterday, I went to my locker with a heavy heart. Astro Rojas in the flesh was leaning on my locker. Astro's got quite the reputation here at Westbrooke High from his famous womanizing skills to his starry eyes which I find funny as his name is even related to Space.

"What up, princess?"

I freeze where I stood. I was about to give him a big lecture on how he should stop showing up at my locker all the time but my brain went to full analysis focusing on where I had heard the same thing.

"Leave me alone, Rojas." I open my locker too busy focusing on him that he notices the note that was taped to the door.

"O la la," he mocks me. "Someone's got a secret admirer. Who do I have to compete with, mi Amor?"

I glare at him furiously. "It's not a love note, stupid."

Before I can reach for the note, he grabs it and stares at the page. His mouth slightly ajar.

"Viv?" he looks at me with something in his eyes.


I suppose.

"It's a prank Amanda and I do," I add quickly when I pull the note from him. "Haha- she's so funny! 'Dear Victim' is so cliche!" I let out an uneasy laugh. "Well, I've got to go and take revenge on her. You know us girls are always fighting."

He stands there still like a statue. "Is someone bothering you?"

"Ha! Never!" I reply confidently. "Who'd hate the prom princess? I had gotten all the votes. We all know the truth."

Thankfully I had convinced him and he left me alone in silence. I read the note in private where no one could find me.

Dear Victim,

Tell your boyfriend to bog off. Leave you alone. Stop going to him for ease or whatever you girls do. I bet he's just with you because he pities you.

He'll dump you for another girl, I suppose. Like everyone, he has secrets just like you. And I'm going to find out what they are. Relationships like yours aren't meant to last.

You're like an ant on the pavement and I'm the human. When I walk on the pavement and squish you, I wouldn't even know, because of how small you are. Nor do I care. If you were an ant, I'd run over you a thousand times. Well, too bad you aren't.

I'm going to end your perfect relationship with your boy toy boyfriend.

He's nothing compared to me, I'll crush him with my bare fist if I have to, I'd like to anyway. He'll be gone from your life. You'll know how it feels, you'll understand. You deserve to go through it all and I promise that there's nothing you can do to stop me.

It's your fault what happened to her and now you've got to pay for it. Nothing is free. Not even what I'm doing. I've got to get through some people using bribe or blackmail but they all will eventually find out what you did. They will hate you just like I do.

If I can't fall in love, then neither can you.

The same words that I told Astro came in my mind.

Who could hate me?

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