The Black Rose Killer

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I just finished reading "The Black Rose Killer" by tianajade which is really good. The story is completed and there's a sequel called "The Black Rose Stalker" which isn't finished yet unfortunately. It (The Black Rose Killer one) can be a bit disturbing with the torture scenes though but you can skip it if you want so don't let that stop you. It's a mystery/suspense and romance story. The story is about a regular teenage girl, Keelea Rivers who was living a normal life till her childhood bestfriend Jace and her childhood bully Xavier tells her that they both have feelings for her. There's also a serial killer on the loose in the small town who tortures blond hair teenage girls before killing them and places a black rose on their chest after. So the main question is who would she pick and who is the maniac serial killer? Read the story to find out!

All rights of this story belongs to the author, tianjade.


Oh, and I'll be writing a review for the sequel "The Black Rose Stalker" soon!!!

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