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Johnny's POV

Currently me and Andrea are on the way to the hospital to go see Lin. Finally were allowed to see her. Last night Andrea was stressing out so much but after calming her down she fell asleep.

"We're here" I said and stopped the car

I went back to my house here and got my car so we wouldn't have to keep taking a cab.

The both of us went inside the hospital and went to go find Lin's room. After searching we saw Kyle waiting outside the door

"Kenji! " {Kyle's Japanese name}Andrea yelled and ran up to him

"What up Andrea" he said and hugged her back

Man he still looks the same but his height and hair is all that changed.

Man he still looks the same but his height and hair is all that changed

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{Wonpil: Kenji/Kyle}

"Johnny my boy!" He let go of Andrea and came and bro hugged me

"Hey Kyle" I patted his back I prefer to call him Kyle than Kenji

He opened the door and it revealed Lin sitting in her hospital bed next thing you know Andrea ran up to her bed and hugged Lin

The silence of her room was filled with Andrea's cries

I could feel my heart breaking at the sound of her sobs

Nari {Andrea} POV

I lost it I couldn't contain it anymore once I saw Lin sitting in that bed I ran up to her

I began to cry while I was hugging her I felt her stroking my hair while I was sobbing

"Shh Andrea that's enough" her voice was weak

I pulled away and looked at her. She no longer had her brown hair it was now replaced with a blond wig I assume

"No this is not a wig if that's what your thinking idiot. They said I won't lose my hair" she said and weakly hit my arm

Her body is paler she was lighter than the last time I saw her


"Stop being so emotional I don't want to leave you crying I want to leave you with a smile on your face" she said and placed her hand on my cheek

"Now smile for me" I gave her a little smile and she removed her hand

"Hey Lin. Miss me?" Johnny came next to me and hugged Lin

"Woah Johnny you got taller and more handsome haha" she smiled

Even with what she has she still manages to smile like nothing's going on. But I understand her she doesn't want to leave us with sad memories she wants us to leave with happy ones

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now