❃ 29 ❃

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You know I like the way my mom used to wake me up in the morning she would just tap my shoulder then I would wake up no problem. But since my mom isn't here with me now the guys have to wake me up

And let me say their way of waking me up involves a lot of screaming. Let's just say Minghao used this a perfect opportunity to  get back at me

"Did you really have to beat the living crap out of me?" I said and rubbed my head

He used my pillow as a weapon and beat the crap out of me

"Sorry but you asked for it" he said while he held my pillow

"Okay whatever now get so we can get ready and head to the school" I said and pushed him out of my room

After showering I wore the sweatshirt that Vernon told me to wear it was white with 'Milk' written on it in black

I found my ripped jeans and wore them with it. I looked at my reflection one more time and wished myself good luck

"Andrea you done changing?" I heard Wonwoo knock on the door

"Yup!" He opened the door and walked in

"Aw omg that's cute" he said while he looked at me

"What?" He shook his head and pulled me out of my room

He pulled me downstairs and the others were already downstairs next thing he did was pull Vernon next to me

I looked and saw that he had the same sweatshirt on but in black now I know what he meant

I went back inside my room to go get my phone then we can finally leave .

At School

We were all backstage waiting for our turn to go on. Right now it was Seungkwan and Dokyeom their doing a cover to Candy to My Ears

This was probably the funniest thing that both Dokyeom and Seungkwan did. I had one earbud in my ear and I practiced one more time before going on.

"I told you not to be nervous. As long I'm here you don't have to worry about anything" I felt Vernon hold my hand and it calmed me down a bit

After taking in a few breaths I was fully calm. Once SookSeung performance was done it was me and Vernon left. The MC introduced us

Vernon went out first once the song started he started rapping then my part came I started to sing and walked onto the stage

Most of the students were shocked to see me walk out. Honestly performing with Vernon is actually pretty fun the both of us walked around the stage while singing

It was close to the end and Vernon walked over to me and placed his arm around me and I continued to sing until the high note

The song ended and the audience started screaming the both of us bowed and went off the stage

I thought we were about to go home but all the guys went on stage looks like they were performing as group

I watched them dance from the sides they did their version of After School's Bang and Dangerous by Michael Jackson

I think all the girls in the crowd are dead because they killed this performance

Once they were done we all went backstage. They were all dripping with sweat I handed them some napkins and they wiped their sweat away

"Um Vernon do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked since he goes to this  school

"Yeah follow me" we both left the others and he showed me the bathroom

"I'll wait here" he said and I went inside and took care of my business

When that was done I washed my hands and went outside

"Okay I'm- oh hello" there was a girl with brown hair with blonde streaks talking with Vernon

"Who are you?" She said in a disgusting tone

Wow so much for first impressions

"Oh wait I know who you are your the person who just sang with my oppa" she said and clinged onto Vernon

"I'm not your oppa Hyemi" he said and removed her arms

So this Hyemi...yup she does look like a hoe with her short skirt and her button up hanging to low

"Cmon Andrea let's go" He said and grabbed my hand

"Are and that piece of trash a thing?!" She said

"Yah Hyemi don't call her that! The only trash here is you" he yelled at her

I've never seen Vernon yell like that before usually he's always laid back and chill but now I know that if you cross the line he'll go off

"I mean what do you see in her? She's nothing! She has nothing!" I looked down and stared at myself

She was right I did have nothing while she had everything. Usually I would stick up for myself but I don't know why I just can't now

"Look I'm right she's not even saying anything. She's such a weak,pathetic, use-"

"ENOUGH! LISTEN HERE HYEMI NOBODY TALKS ABOUT ANDREA LIKE THAT. The weak and pathetic one here is you. Unlike you Andrea has a thing called respect and loyalty"

"Ugh whatever. See you tomorrow oppa" she winked and walked away

I felt the grip on my wrist tightened before I could say anything he started dragging me to the entrance

"Ow! Vernon my wrist" he didn't hear me he kept walking until we reached the front

I yanked my hand away and saw that my wrist was red hopefully there isn't a bruise

"I..I'm sorry. Andrea I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you its just I-"

"Vernon it's alright" I rubbed my wrist he moved my hand and started rubbing my wrist

"I'm sorry you had to deal with Hyemi" he said

"Oh...uh it's okay" I stuttered and moved his hands from my wrist

"Don't tell me her words got to you" he said and looked into my eyes

I tried to find the words to say but nothing came out. He shook his head and pulled me into a hug

"You are none of those things that she said. You are not trash, you are not weak, you are not pathetic. You mean everything to me remember that alright" his words got to me I couldn't help but feel my heart beat fast

"Now enough with all this sad stuff let's go get some food. My treat!" He said a gave his killing smile

I nodded and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we saw the others waiting by the van

"There you two are lets get going" Unnie said

"Looks like you won't be treating me today. Maybe next time" I said  while he pouted

"Oh stop pouting Mr.Headphones" I pinched his cheek and smiled

"How did you know my nickname?" He asked

"With the help of the Internet and your fans" I stuck my tongue out and went inside the van

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now