Chapter 3: "That Freaking Deserved An Award!"

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Chapter 3: "That Freaking Deserved An Award!"

"Stupid Ms.Granger, sending me up to my room like a freaking infant. I will not let this go unpunished, oh no. I will have my revenge." I mutter under my breath and an idea starts to form in my head as I pace my room.    I quickly spin around and kneel down by my lumpy, old bed. (Remind me to complain about that to Ms.Granger for the millionth time.) I take in my 'pranking' equipment with a glance and settle on a long piece of rope, two gallons of maple syrup, and two feather pillows that I had "accidentally lost".    Anyway, as you have probably guessed, I've decided to go with one of the classics. Dump a bunch of maple syrup on someone, then let the feathers loose, it works every single time. 

Except that time I tried to do it on my teacher... But seriously, how was I supposed to know she was going to be out sick and it would land on my principle instead?! Totally not my fault if you ask me, but I still got a weeks worth of detention.   

Good times, good times...   

I chuckle quietly to myself and get started on creating my ultimate prank. Ms.Granger is going to regret embarrassing me...   


*10 Minutes Later*   

Everything is in place and I'm practically jumping with mischievous excitement. I double check that my ear plugs are in correctly before I take my iPod and connect it to my speakers. I drag the volume as high as I can and then hit play, a grin stretching across my face.   

Immediately the banjo tune of Pitbull's song 'Timber' shakes through the house and I can't help but burst out laughing.   

"Melana!" Ms.Granger shouts angrily and I hear the pounding of footsteps. Less than a minute later my door slams open, causing the bucket full of maple syrup to tip over and spill its contents.   

Ms.Granger shrieks as the sticky syrup spills down her face, coating her hair, and effectively making her look like she just got a glaze spray tan. (Which might I add, is NOT a good look for her.) She stands there in shock with her mouth ajar and I quickly throw the ripped open pillows at her, feathers billowing everywhere.   

Dang, this is gonna be a pain to clean up. Oh well, that's why people invented the 'Swifters'.   

I rush past her, knocking her out of her daze, and she chases after me. Fortunately for me, her feet are soaked in syrup so she slips and falls on her butt with wide eyes. I take this opportunity to climb onto the stair railing and send a quick prayer to the chicken gods, before sliding down.   

I close my eyes tightly and scream, expecting to end up having a very heated make out session with the floor. Instead though, I feel my feet touch the floor and I give a victory whoop.   

"Hells yeah!" I shout and slide off the bannister, the music still blaring in the background. "That freaking deserved an award!" 

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Hi guys! Im so so sorry how long its been and that this is so short! I figured though that Id give you a little something in the spirit of the New Year. I hope all of you had a fantastic holiday season!

I'll definitly update soon as Ive got a snow day today and Im going to spend it writing! As well as enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate. ;)

I love you guys so much and I thank you a milion times for taking the time to read my terrible writing! :3

COMMENT! (Tell me what presents you got or what you did over break, I'm curious!) <3

VOTE! <3

FAN! <3

- Day xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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