35. Captive

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[i have been a fan of this author for a really long time and she keeps surprising me with her stories. This story is her new sexy aliens/girl-trouble/save-the-world sort of a story which is absolutely amazing! (oh, and did I mention hot aliens, you know the ones with delicious six-packs..lol!) You should definitely check it out! ^-^]


"I will stop at nothing to get you, Aria."


When war broke out between the humans and advanced alien race, Dreyans, Aria found herself captured by the one who is trying to bring Earth to its knees.

Prince Kainsius is ruthless and power-hungry, he wants to be invincible, to be worshiped, and he would stop at nothing to ensure that his race becomes to be the rulers of the Universe. And when he saw the image of his own race in the likes of humans, and their rapidly advancing technologies, Kainsius saw them both as a potential threat and a potential investment.

After deliberately offer to be imprisoned by the humans to weaken their guardsm all that stands between Earth’s destruction and the enslavement of the human race is Prince Romeon, Kainsius’ older brother – the heir to the Dreyan throne – and his love for a girl who doesn’t love him back...

And with the love of the superior prince who could either save or destroy Earth, Aria Cross suddenly found herself carrying the fate of humanity on her delicate shoulders...

“If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans.” These were the words of Stephen Hawkings, a predicament that was made decades before it came true.

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