"Escape...final release?"

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I jumped up from my bed as the soft 'click' of the watch snapped open. I looked at it closely and saw the angel inside, it's wings pointing towards a roman number. I studied it closely, not understanding it well. I didn't have much time left. I put on a fresh black skin suit, turned the cameras from behind, making sure they didn't see me. I went over to the small table, opened one of the drawers and quickly revealed the fake bottom.I rummaged around for the knife I had hidden away all these years. I didn't need it but it would come in handy.

I placed the knife under my sleeve and picked out a bobby pin from my hair. Books that Dianna brought had come in handy, I learned not only how to jam a door open but how to render a person unconscious. I flattened the pin carefully and jammed it in, rotating it clockwise, I repeated this several times. At my third try just when I was about to give up and go towards plan B, the door opened swiftly. I forced back a gasp. 

I couldn't waste anymore time, I slid out of the door quietly and reached my head out slowly. I shrugged back when I heard the voices of two guards, chuckling. I though out a plan for my next move. Then I shut the door slowly, feeling a bit claustrophobic. I prayed that they would pass by not noticing anything unusual. I had learned about God. The supreme ruler above all of us. I had learned what faith was and how to keep it most of the time. I knew God didn't want this future for me. Either way, I was putting all my faith in him to get me out of here safely. 

The guards passed by talking to one another about some disgusting joke. I tried not to let my temper rise and patiently waited for them to be out of my sight. Once the coast was clear, I shut the door silently behind me and made my way towards the door; then walked down the long, narrow hallway. It wasn't much of a difference, marbled floor and thin white walls. No mirrors. 

What was the problem with mirrors? Were we horrid creatures? I frowned and slammed myself against the wall next to the door as a guard opened it up. He turned around and met my eyes, he opened his eyes wide and went to clutch his gun. I gasped and rammed my knee between his legs, right in his testicles. He doubled over in pain, groaned and went to press a red button. I hit his stomach making him clutch at his abdomen painfully. I grabbed the device with the strange, red button, took his head in my hands and rammed it hard against the wall. He fell on the floor unconscious. I searched him, making sure he didn't have a faster way of getting to the guards when he woke up. I took the card he had hanging from his pocket and  the heavy, silver gun. 

I tried not to stare at it to much. I slipped it into my belt buckle and took the man by his shoulders. I dragged him under the table and cuffed him to one of the wooden legs. Made the sign of the cross on my chest and prayed to God that he would forgive the sins I'd committed. I slid the card into the device and ran for my life. I could already feel the thumps of many guards running after me. It was surprising, really. It seems like the old man had bought me some time. Two guards, having just been told the news, pointed their guns at me, forcing me to stop. I cursed. I had gone a long way and I wasn't about going to quit. I raised my hands in surrender and they came closer while lowering there guns. One of them, ready to handcuff me, made the mistake of touching my shoulder. I raised my arm and closed my hand into a fist. Making it connect with his face. 

The other ran over, ready to slam his gun against me, I extended my leg and hit his chin. His face, with his body, went backwards while dropping his gun. I took it and pointed it at the guard to the right, the guard to the left holding his bleeding mouth was glaring at me. I twirled and smacked him with my foot hard enough to send him against the wall. I stared in shock, not really believing what I had just done. Power seemed to curse through my veins, leaving my body as light as a flower. I smiled hugely and gasped when the guard from the right took my leg and made me fall, hitting my head.

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