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When did you join Wattpad? Apr 17, 2013

What book is your favorite to write? Well...hmmm... I think that my favorite book that I'm writing would have to be Pressure. 

Why? because it is the most normal story that I'm writing, and it has a mix of everything, so it's pretty fun for me to write. 

Where do you get your story ideas? I get my story ideas from listening to music and daydreaming. Every song has a theme and gives you a certain vibe, and when I listen to a specific song I get lost and create a plot, a character, a place, anything that will eventually lead to a story.

What are your characters like? My main characters are mostly strong, teenage female characters. All of my other characters are based off of people that I know, altered versions of my friends to make them more interesting or universal. For example, my orignial idea for Maddy Clark is based on my old friend Madison, but the real person and the character are completely different in looks and personality. My guy characters are usually the dark and secretive type, and the girls are either shy and serious or loud and bossy. Similar to me. :)

what got you into writing?  I've wanted to be a writer since I was seven years old, when my Mom started reading the Harry Potter books to me. I was in love with them and knew that I wanted to write a book as great as JK Rowling's. Of course, that hasn't happened yet and probably won't, but I still intend to dedicate my life to writing. I try to practice as much as I can, and want to really publish a book someday.

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