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1: How did you find wattpad? I was looking for a free ereading app for my phone.

2: How long have you a member on Wattpad? Almost 2 years.

3: How many Wattpad books have you written? 2.

4: What’s your favorite Wattpad book that you’ve read? I love them all.

5: What makes you happiest while on the website? All the amazing writers I meet

6: What was your favorite book to write? Every story has a different ending (my second book)

7: Why? It shows how big fights in friendships often end up.

8: What else do you do besides write, hobbies? Photography.

9: If you could have one person read your story who would it be? Lisa Shroedan, my favourite published writer of all time.

10: What’s your favorite memory? Too many to pick.

11: When do you feel the happiest? When I’m writing.

12: Who’s your best friend? Jess Young.

13: If you could meet one person dead or alive, who would it be? xxnightstripexx

14: What’s your biggest fear? I don’t know.

15: Where would you want to visit one day? Italy.

16: What is your favorite song? I don’t have one.

17: What makes you happy? Completing a book.

18: If you could tell anything to your fans, what would it be? Don’t give up, the harder it is, the more worth it, it'll be.

19: If you are suffering from writers block, what do you do? Listen to music and go back to it.

20: What’s something you want to do in life? Get Published.

Last words?

Its a pleasure being interviewed by you FreeReading, you have a huge heart, bless you

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