Did that just happen???

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All night I had been up and down feeding and changing the babies, James tried to help as much as he could he can't exactly breastfeed.... So once the morning finally came I had had about 30 minutes sleep but ahhh well, they were too cute to be angry at. I got myself dressed into the clothes James had brought for me yesterday, his favourite outfit surprise surprise, he'll be drooling over me all day now. Once I was dressed I started painting the babies nails and then got them dressed with James' help, most of them were pretty well behaved apart from Annie, who screamed when you tried to dress her, she was so loud for such a small baby. We then put them in there car seats, James didn't bring the prams because we didn't really need them, we then signed the discharge papers and we were out of there with our 6 perfect children.

Once we got home all of them apart from Josh were asleep and he needed feeding so I let James put them to bed whilst I sat down in the living room with Josh and fed him, after only 2minutes of feeding he dropped off into a deep sleep so I took him upstairs into the room he shared with Dom and Isaac. Just as I was shutting the door on the boys I heard a cry from the girls room, I knew that James was in there with them but it sounded like a hungry cry so I walked in to see James trying to sooth one of the girls "She won't stop crying, Riley I don't what to," James said to be, I could see he was trying but he isn't there mommy so he can only do so much, I guess. "Here, I'll take her, she's hungry," I said whilst sitting down in the feeding that we had put in the corner of both of the nurseries. "How did you know she was hungry from her just crying?" James asked me, clearly confused as to why he couldn't work it out and I could "James, babe I know what she needs because I can feed her, you can't feed her so you won't know what the cry means, but give it a while, you'll get there," I reassured him.

I was sat downstairs on my laptop, just doing some admin stuff for the studio enjoying the few minutes of peace whilst all of them were asleep upstairs. James poked his head around the door and told me that one of boys was crying, I mean he could have at least worked out which one it was but ah well. I gave him the laptop and then headed upstairs to hear Josh crying, wait how did I know it was Josh crying, I have already become so aware to there little differences. I walked into his room and picked him up from his little bed and brought him downstairs, whilst I was feeding him I stared into his brow eyes and realised how unusual it is to see babies with brown eyes, normally they start of blue and change over the first few months of life, but the boys all already had very dark brown eyes, just another thing that made me feel like my babies were so special and amazing. As soon as Josh's eyes were shutting I heard Amelia crying from upstairs, do we get any peace around here, I though to myself. "I'll go and put Josh in his room and grab Amelia if you want," James offered "Yeah that would be a huge help, did you just work out which one was crying from the noise they were making?" I asked him "Ermmm, yeah, I guess I didn't even think about, that's just Amelia's cry," He replied, so I guess I wasn't the only one who was becoming so familiar with there cry's.

At around 2 ish I realised I had never given James his Christmas present, so whilst all of them were asleep at the same time I went under the tree we ad put up and pulled out his present, I hoped he liked it. "Hey, babe come in here  I have your Christmas present," I called through to him in the kitchen "coming," is the only reply I got back.  He walked in and with his hands behind his back, that's odd, but I let it slip. I handed him his present, it was the new iPhone 7, I knew he really wanted it and seeing as he had been so great helping me through the pregnancy I decided he deserved a pretty special present. "Now my turn," he said getting down onto one knee and pulling out a little box from his pocket. "Riley Raymond, I love you so much and now you're the mother to my 6 beautiful children, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Did James just propose, I was shocked, I couldn't speak due to pure elation "Yes James, I love you so much!!!" I shouted so loudly, I instantly regretted that when I heard multiple cries up stairs. "I'll go and get some beautiful babies for my beautiful fiancé," James shouted as he left the room, making me blush, he's too perfect.  

The Next Step:Jiley's storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon