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The dracs were huddled in a group behind the grain silo, their stark white uniforms standing out like a sore thumb. Don't know why they thought they could hide themselves.

Me and Ghoul looked at each other, contemplating if we should contact Jet and Kobra. On one hand contacting them would mean help with the dracs. But on the other if we contact them the dracs might hear us and then we could get ghosted. A silent agreement was made to not bother Jet and Kobra and just take them on ourselves. It was like how siblings could communicate with just looks and eyebrow raises. I guess, that since me and Ghoul have been together for so long we could do that as well.

Sneaking up on the dracs was the easy part. Fighting them was a whole other story.

We went in guns a blazing trying to headshot them before they did the same courtesy to us. I managed to get one but Ghoul's shot missed. It did alert the dracs but we were better prepared to them. Some of them were stumbling around like they were drunk, maybe they were. Who knows. 

God, Ghoul was a ball of righteous fury and ticking time bomb temper all packed into one tiny person. He hated the dracs with a passion. He seems to have a history with them but he won't tell anyone. Well, they did terrorise the neutral zones where we met Ghoul, so maybe he lived there with a family and they got ghosted? The world may never know. He was shooting dracs left and right, not letting anyone escape. It was kinda like he was McCree from Overwatch and he was using his ultimate "Deadeye". (A/N: howdy, now you know of my new obsession for the past few months.)  I almost expected him to say "It's high noon," while he was shooting.

The dracs were all ghosted by Ghoul's sharpshooting before Jet and Kobra even got near us.

"Ghoul when did you learn how to shoot like that?" Jet yelled while she ran up to us. 

"It doesn't matter. At least the dracs are gone."  Another thing he won't tell us.

"Uh, guys..." I said, pointing up to the silo when some black spray-painted graffiti caught my eye.

It read:

Move your body when the sunlight dies,  

Everybody are you running from the scarecrow?

Everybody dies.

HEYOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm so sososososososososo sorry that I haven't updated this in a hot minute as I was pretty bogged down with my uni workload. But! I will be able to update more frequently even if it is sporadic.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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