109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit

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"You're here with me Dr. Deathdefy..."

The radio droned on with Dr D's usual intro, everyone heard this as they got ready for the day and tried to down the shit that was Power Pup. God knows what they put in it, probably the scraps the city slickers don't want to eat. But you gotta eat man.

I yawned into my coffee, trying to get the last of the sleep out of my system. I didn't sleep very well and now I'm falling asleep at any moment. Today I'll really have to be on my guard.

Jet walked into the room and gave us the plans for today, we're going to take out the group of dracs that have been snooping around zone 3 where some neutral towns are located. Jet said that they were near, the first town to the west of the zone, and small farming community called New Goldtown. They're called that because near them is a centuries old gold mine. Mainly their crops are used for medicine and incense and sometimes for food.

We all grunted and made our way to the trans am, knees cracking and rubbing of the fatigue.

The trans am got us to the scene fairly quick, it was quiet like usual, people still waking up. It must be nice not fearing for your life all the time. More sleep and less stress. 

Jet snapped me out my trance by saying, "Scope out the area, they might be hiding somewhere." As soon as he said that he was off with Kobra, walking to the far right of the village, with ray guns primed and ready. Leaving me with Ghoul.

I could already feel myself getting more nervous, you see, I've had a crush on Ghoul ever since I met the man when he first joined us. We had met Ghoul in a heap on the diner's doorstep. No literally in a heap. He obviously had been in a pretty intense fight. Jet and the Girl patched him up and let him stay in the diner and he could leave when he could or stay. He chose the latter. Speaking of the girl, we told her that she has to stay at the diner while she's sick. Motorbaby got a nasty stomach bug. God knows what she ate, probably an old can of Power Pup.

Me and Ghoul were still walking and we had seen nothing when we were about to turn back when Ghoul stopped me. He had seen them. The dracs were hiding behind a grain silo. Probably plotting something evil to take away our colours or ghost us. Either way we signaled Jet and Kobra to get their asses over here, that we've found them and to let the chaos ensue.

  HOOOOO BOI I am exicted for this. What will happen to the futuristic gays?? 

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